The Public Lobby Experience Part 11 – Phasmophobia

Welcome to public lobby experience part 11! This video contains 18 of the best Phasmophobia Public lobby games from last week! If you want to play in one of …


40 thoughts on “The Public Lobby Experience Part 11 – Phasmophobia”

  1. The repel objective has a 'deadzone' period after the smudge period ends, where if you die, no objective. However, past that, you get the objective even if you die. Once on Ridgeview I smudged, but only had enough time to hide in the back of the master bedroom area, and ended up being cornered near the end of the hunt, yet the objective ticked off. (teams game)

  2. Hey insym, something funny I always say is when I’m in a public lobby (which is always) the head cams or face cams, I always call them go pros haha. “Put on your go pros everyone” 😁

  3. I got a Betty Garcia which my friends and I made into a chant. Then we proceeded to get Robert Garcia, Susan Garcia, then Nancy Garcia. The one person I wanted was Charles Garcia.

  4. I absolutely love watching all your videos, I am a phasmo junky! However your “public lobby” seems to always have Riley, her voice is very recognizable. So just curious if you are actually doing random games with random people or just your friends?

  5. Thanks for the vid, its entertaining but can i ask you a question? How do you get the energy to get online everyday? Anyway, i wish you and your community a great sunday!
    Greetings from germany 🙂

  6. 53:37 – YES! On that kind of note, I would love a game mode where "story-wise" you (and/or your team) go in a mission with NO EQUIPMENT to a haunted location where another team of ghost hunters was before but they failed and all died and you'd have to find and use their equipment scattered through the building and Ouija boards, if existent, are in totally different locations than their spawn points cuz.. you know the guys might have used it.

  7. I love how Insym doesn't care if you dislike the vid, hes literally saying "If you dislike it, dislike" Alot of other YouTubers are like "If you dont subscribe or like then a spider with enter your mouth tonight"

  8. Ideas for what to spend extra money on:

    1. How about a new stuff like spend $1000 to double the xp you get from the game.

    2. Maybe get an item where when you throw it on someone who dies than they come back to life. or to add onto that if you die with it in your inventory when you die during solo than you get revived and can either continue the investigation or just leave. but just to balance that it would take away money earned for insurance.

    3. get a locator for the items in the house like the Luigi board and Bone.

    4. Lastly maybe we could use the money to mark off an objective we're having some trouble on. but to not make it broken you can only mark off 1 objective per game. and you only get half the xp you would normally get from that objective.


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