Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find the recipe for my favorite game in Phasmophobia: Fingerprints + Tarot Cards + Crazy ghost = Fun game. What does your perfect game look like?
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.0
Sunny Meadows is an insane asylum from Evil Dead, it is where Ash was committed after the events of Army of Darkness and had to escape in the PS2 game.
i haven’t been able to catch a stream in forever i’m sorry 😭 anyways, i look forward to daily phasmo vids, always gives me something to test out on the game myself, thank you insym!! ❤️
From what i know, the Hermit lasts one minute exactly, we tried counting it down and it was about 0:57 – 1:06 seconds
Insym – I just wanted to say that you playing Hellsign got me playing it because it looked so fun and you are soooo good. Now, maybe it's the fact that I only have 9 fingers and this is a "wasd" located input game (only 4 fingers on the left hand) and that makes me slow but dang, I'm getting absolutely stomped.
Only thing that could’ve made this better is if it was Lisa
I like music box
My perfect game would be me on Ridgeview with a Wraith or Banshee with the scarred lady model in the dining room along with cards as well. Ridgeview is my Tanglewood: the map I've played the most because it is both simple yet exciting. The scarred lady ghost model (I call her Scarlie) is maybe the most terrifying model in just appearances alone and she usually freaks me out but its what gives her charm. The Wraith constantly yapping on the spiritbox is funny to me and Banshees are just an overall good time. Finally, the cards are such a nice nailbiter of an item that spice up any game. While playing, I also usually have either some calming or some tense music in the background.
3:31 Gimme some more.
#loveinsym hey insym i think it's awesome how you always explain things to us and teach us to play phasmo and nice vid
My favourite games are where the wildly strange events happen that you always remember, like when a polter threw a knife at me and it lodged under the door I was hiding behind at Ridgeview that one time, or the Raiju that hunted off cooldown 12 times in a row on Willow.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD i jumped out of my chair at 3:33
First time I'm giving you a dislike… 4 adds in an 18 minute video? Ridiculous..
that jump scare is a 10/10
ehehehehe i was the 690 Person to press like on this vid. My life ist complete now 😅
Tanglewood/ Willow —— Summoning Circle/Ouija Board ——— Demon/Banshee/Hantu
My fav cursed item is tarot cards
My perfect game is basically this, plus having a ghost room near the entrance in a large map (especially Asylum), finding the ghost room instantly, and also randomly finding the bone
The feeling of stumbling upon the bone by chance on Asylum can't be described
Perfect game for me:
– Map: Tanglewood
– Ghost: Revenant
– Cursed item: Tarot Cards
– First card: Hanged Man
Perfect game (date)
tarot cards
obake or banshee
Bathroom ghost
Insym with speedrun pace, goes in takes a bunch of pics makes the ghost appear, then leaves, what a legend
The perfect game for me is just properly identifying the ghost and surviving.
Nearly all games I have played since ghosts could chase you around corners (March 6, 2021)
has not resulted in a successful identification of the ghost.
several times the ghost room is only identified by the ghost coming out of it and killing somebody.
Sometimes even then We had no idea where it was coming from, killing most if not all of the group… ON AMATURE DIFFICULTY.
There is a reason I watch more phasmo then I play.
btw amnesia rebirth is free on epic games
Favorite C.I: Music Box
Favorite G.T: Yokai
Favorite Map: Asylum
Favorite G.R: Lobby/Asylum
The perfect game for me is:
-Begging my team to
let me stay in the van.
– Crying when they say no.
– Crying when i enter the house.
– Crying when i hear a floorcreek.
– Crying when i get an event.
– C R Y I N G when It's hunting!!.
– Crying when we leave.
-And then finally crying LITTLE bit in
the lobby before we start another run!!…
I had a jump scare with the music box where I used it and the pj ghost spawned in 2 inches from me while I held the music box so you can imagine I RAN out of that house so fast
I believe the hermit card does not even prevent the ghost from hunting. Maybe just keeps it from roaming?
My perfect game:
1. Fingerprints on the 1st ghost interaction
2. Tarrotcards and gambling with friends
3. Trolling the ghost and laughing at the one who die first
4. Collect the other evicende
5. Try to kill each other until one survive
6. Last one leaves
Do you know when the game going to be on ps4
goddamnit man
My favourite game was the other day where: we got fingerprints with a photo cam and emf 5 off the door, teammate with the uv came down and had obake fingies on the door and the ghost kept on touching the door giving us a perfect game on photos and one loop around the sofa earlier we had a perfect game in 5 mins roughly.
you are such u nice guy bro<3 love you<33
Combination should be gym Jinn on high school with Luigi board. It is my perfect game i guess.
perfect game for me:
ghost – revenant
map – grafton
it's always funny asf with my dumb friends and revenant
17:02 two overlapping hiss events that make it sound like GET OUT….
Okay I’m level 1074, and I keep seeing you do this and didn’t know it was a thing. If the ghost touches the door, you take a picture. If it’s fingerprints, you get the 3 start and evidence, I know that. The part I see you always do and had no idea was a thing is you scroll through all your equipment, take another picture, and that one counts as an interaction picture for more money? Can somebody please explain! 😂
Favorite cursed item: Tarot cards
Favorite ghost type: The twins
Favorite map: probebly Tanglewood or High school
I wasn't rly active on yt or anywhere tbh bcuz im a dad now ☺️ sorry for losing the streak for asking Insym to play Layers of Fear, Anyway, day 29 of asking Insym to play Layers of Fear
3:34 hello ghost
Does chat not know about Google? Every stream has people in chat asking "what do the tarot cards do" as if the streamer or chat member will drop everything and explain all 10 cards, effects and probabilities. It's either met in chat with misinformation or 16 duplicate answers (to which the person asking the question asks again because they wanted the streamer to respond lol). Like mate go to the wiki. Bothers me so damn much, sorry. Fun video as always, your positivity is lovely to see.
Favorite map: Highschool
Favorite room: Either library or gym
Favorite ghost: Oni
Least fav ghost: Shade
Favorite Cursed item: Ouija board
Now lisa is the only thing missing
The Hermit card traps the ghost in its room for 1 min
I thought for sure a perfect Insym game would include Lisa.