Being on a hunt with an “alone” revenant is literally terrifying! Only ghost that leaves me shaking when it hunts anymore. All the rest I loop or outrun lmao. Good job on the video, dropped a like man 💪🏻💪🏻
Today I played solo prison and when I got Ghostbook without Spirit Box, I knew what could await me. I hoped for anything else and then I got Fingerprints, I was literally scared when I found out it was a Revenant. Since Spirit and Rev were my only options I knew it was a Rev because I had no Spirit Box, and Spirit requires Spirit Box. I even skipped one of my Objectives to not die.
Maybe the reason why we can’t outrun a Revenant is probably because WE’RE NOT EVEN RUNNING. As good as this game is, my biggest gripe with this game is its “sprint” is more like a brisk walk.
So I just played a prison round with a revenant on professional, and I kept thinking it was revenant and no one else believed me (the options were spirit or revenant), so someone decided to test this out and it started hunting as I looked at the cam at b block. And I swear to god, I was glad I was not the person playing ring around the rosie with a ghost on energy drinks man. We left without a picture of the ghost. I do not want to be followed by that creepy thing
Things That Happen When I Have A Revenant: • It hunts every 5 seconds • It always takes the form of the crawling faceless child • If I'm not 5 feet away from the exit or not hiding it kills me • It always takes forever to get evidence
revenant imho S tier class. but detecting him is one of the easier. just uv light. throw emf in his room and book. and people always bitch at me for bringing these 3 items first. im like cuz if its a revenant. i wanna be sure before it hunts. i had whole squads wipe in asylum cuz of this dude. the A tier being mare. and B tier would be i guess oni/demon. the rest are a bit safer to deal with.
Revenant: a revenant gettting behind door locker closet maybe easily kill speed normally dangerous get this easy kill they get kill limited unkill are maybe no shade no spirit book you died see the ghost
Or if your friend gets killed while running away from it and it catches up
Being on a hunt with an “alone” revenant is literally terrifying! Only ghost that leaves me shaking when it hunts anymore. All the rest I loop or outrun lmao. Good job on the video, dropped a like man 💪🏻💪🏻
Nuzzgard: and finally, the pieces of evidence for the reva-
ghost: yo
The ghost : Yo,You wanna play uno card im so lonely at this house
Nuzzgard – Trying to explain the evidence.
Ghost: Nah I shall photo bomb.
Revenant when they see a player during a hunt:
Oni and Demon: mom revenant isn’t letting us be the scariest. It’s our turn
"Hey yo. Wanna cook?"
“Okay guys it’s freezing so no rev :)”
Guy: this ghost is a little girl named sasha martinez be cerful
The ghost: 0:56
0:58 : yo whassup mate whatcha doing , oh recording…
does your flashlight attract the ghosts?
0:57 yo u make breakfast
Today I played solo prison and when I got Ghostbook without Spirit Box, I knew what could await me. I hoped for anything else and then I got Fingerprints, I was literally scared when I found out it was a Revenant. Since Spirit and Rev were my only options I knew it was a Rev because I had no Spirit Box, and Spirit requires Spirit Box.
I even skipped one of my Objectives to not die.
Maybe the reason why we can’t outrun a Revenant is probably because WE’RE NOT EVEN RUNNING. As good as this game is, my biggest gripe with this game is its “sprint” is more like a brisk walk.
Every sixty seconds, a revenant kills somebody in Phasmophobia.
I always carry smudge sticks and throw one at it so it switches the target and my friends get fawked😃
So I just played a prison round with a revenant on professional, and I kept thinking it was revenant and no one else believed me (the options were spirit or revenant), so someone decided to test this out and it started hunting as I looked at the cam at b block. And I swear to god, I was glad I was not the person playing ring around the rosie with a ghost on energy drinks man. We left without a picture of the ghost. I do not want to be followed by that creepy thing
Things That Happen When I Have A Revenant:
• It hunts every 5 seconds
• It always takes the form of the crawling faceless child
• If I'm not 5 feet away from the exit or not hiding it kills me
• It always takes forever to get evidence
revenant imho S tier class.
but detecting him is one of the easier. just uv light. throw emf in his room and book.
and people always bitch at me for bringing these 3 items first. im like cuz if its a revenant. i wanna be sure before it hunts.
i had whole squads wipe in asylum cuz of this dude. the A tier being mare. and B tier would be i guess oni/demon. the rest are a bit safer to deal with.
The revenant aka the Usain Bolt of the ghost world.
Whats the point of oujia board
Revenant: a revenant gettting behind door locker closet maybe easily kill speed normally dangerous get this easy kill they get kill limited unkill
are maybe no shade no spirit book
you died see the ghost
0:56 oh hello there fat revenant boi
revenant flesh
Ghost: hello i have a knife! You like it c;
this video is wrong i didn't see leonardo dicaprio in it at all
Sounds like apex revenant.
wait a minute this isnt 60 seconds ,its a minute
The legend says there is only one person that can escape revenant without hiding or smudge sticks
That person is
oh wait I found him,
doom revenant is real
Not only is it the fastest ghost when hunting, it is also faster than you
U said 60 sec so why the duck is this video 1 min long?Kapp
My first ghost was revenant
happy hunting indeed
wow… the video isn't rounded up… its perfectly 1 minute…
Revenant+Profi+Prison= ah shit here we go again
0:55 nuzzguard:emf 5 and…
Now I'm An Average Smudge Stick Enjoyer
Team: Alright it's a Revenant, let's head over to the truck QUICKLY!
Revenant: Did someone say "quickly"? 😉😉😈😈
the hunt starts
The revenant in 3 words
i am sped
"bro where he at"
"sir proceeds to flash "
The moment when you only have fingerprints and ghost writing but it's not freezing
Isn't a Jinn more dangerous than a revenant?
Jinn : IM THE FASTEST! Revenant : Are you sure about that?
the revenant in 5 words: hunt chase run SANIC dead
Revenants in my <3
You forgot to add that another feature of the revenant is to cause brown pants of any player it encounters