The Revenant in 60 seconds | Phasmophobia

Here’s all you need to know about the Revenant in 60 seconds.

I stream on twitch!


47 thoughts on “The Revenant in 60 seconds | Phasmophobia”

  1. Being on a hunt with an “alone” revenant is literally terrifying! Only ghost that leaves me shaking when it hunts anymore. All the rest I loop or outrun lmao. Good job on the video, dropped a like man 💪🏻💪🏻

  2. Today I played solo prison and when I got Ghostbook without Spirit Box, I knew what could await me. I hoped for anything else and then I got Fingerprints, I was literally scared when I found out it was a Revenant. Since Spirit and Rev were my only options I knew it was a Rev because I had no Spirit Box, and Spirit requires Spirit Box.
    I even skipped one of my Objectives to not die.

  3. So I just played a prison round with a revenant on professional, and I kept thinking it was revenant and no one else believed me (the options were spirit or revenant), so someone decided to test this out and it started hunting as I looked at the cam at b block. And I swear to god, I was glad I was not the person playing ring around the rosie with a ghost on energy drinks man. We left without a picture of the ghost. I do not want to be followed by that creepy thing

  4. Things That Happen When I Have A Revenant:
    • It hunts every 5 seconds
    • It always takes the form of the crawling faceless child
    • If I'm not 5 feet away from the exit or not hiding it kills me
    • It always takes forever to get evidence

  5. revenant imho S tier class.
    but detecting him is one of the easier. just uv light. throw emf in his room and book.
    and people always bitch at me for bringing these 3 items first. im like cuz if its a revenant. i wanna be sure before it hunts.
    i had whole squads wipe in asylum cuz of this dude. the A tier being mare. and B tier would be i guess oni/demon. the rest are a bit safer to deal with.


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