This ghost absolutely destroyed me! This was the hardest ghost I have ever faced! Absolutely INSANE. We were just trying to do some testing to learn how much money each photo makes, and then we found this INSANE ghost. This ghost was all over the place! This was an Attic/hallway/everywhere ghost. All the worst things on Bleasdale farmhouse in ONE GHOST!
I love Phasmophobia so much, you never know what to expect! Hope you enjoy this one! I certainly did 😀 See you during the stream!
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You like croissants better because you can put cheese on it?
I mean, technically, you could put cheese on a muffin….
I'm just sayin'
I know I must have missed something… but why so many tripods lolol
1:51 pause and use , and . to go fowards and backwards frames. Scary.
Insym: is your favourite room the attic?
Ghost:mothofo the house is my favourite room!
Can someone tell me how to run phasmaphobia smoothly? like what settings do you guys use?
Was it a new sort of ghost ? EDIT : No it's not lol, absolutely insane ghost
The while time you were holding thermo in attic, I kept wanting you to point it slightly down since you are trying to measure too far away, there is a range limit for the thermo, and you held it ever so slightly above the range limit.
might be seeing things but at around 23:00 i think i saw orbs in the attic.
1:02:17 Orbs here
Insym: What's your favorite room?
Ghost: "Why pick one when I could have all of them?
The guy was slaugthered into tiny bitsies and thrown all around the house, so his room is everyone prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Also you should place the cameras as to cover more rooms in the same time instead of trying to get a good angle of a single room
Ghost: Is hallway ghost
Everyone on the face of the earth: are you fucking kidding me.
I thought he said okay we’re getting fingys
I’m pretty sure he did lol
I love how it was chillin' in laundry room after the stairs spawn, one of the rooms you never looked in
Uhm, 52:10 – 52:12, I thought I heard a weak moan or cry. Am I wrong here or? No one else seems to react to it, or is it just random ambience no one cares about?
U only can scan Temperature on floor and wall you are near to. that means, if u hold the temp scanner in the air, pointing at nothing or a wall too far, it isnt scanning.
I think there was really more than one ghost there.. Demon David teaches his young apprentice Thomas the way of the horror.
Phantom: You are my favorite and I love playing with you….
Could the Orbs be in the storage room 2nd floor? Close enough to trigger the temp downstairs and upstairs?
When it vanished after you took the picture, was like op, very very shy phantom. Did not see any orbs though like wow, wonder if those may be bugged still. Maybe the back downstairs room? Weird.
Bloody Schrödinger’s Ghost here. Everywhere but nowhere!
i was thinking phantom caz it stopped hunting and ran when u took picture and the bunny in the kitchen and banshee would of hunted more and sooner when your sanity went low. and Iam to chicken to go alone 😀
Ever since I realized you can say "Hello?" as a valid spirit box question, I've started to sound like a walmart greeter.
You can belt out spirit box tries like nobody's business that way. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
If I could give my experience regarding the behavior of this ghost…
Playing the game, I've had quite a few instances in which a ghost will hide its ghost orbs in rooms adjacent to its favorite room. We won't find orbs until we decide to move the camera out of the room, and bingo — ghost orbs.
This seems to happen also with cold & freezing temperatures. On my second solo asylum run, I had a demon that seemingly made the basement hallway its turf. It wasn't until it opened the door to what I suspect was its TRUE favorite room, that I was able to get it to write.
People tend to hate/fear so-called "hallway ghosts", for how prolific and stubborn they are, but I want you think for a moment:
> What if there is no such thing as a hallway ghost?…
Or to be more specific — What if the ghosts we think are hallway ghosts are actually holed up in one of the myriad rooms adjacent to the hallway, and stow their orbs/temperature in adjacent cells (including the hallway)? It would make a lot of sense of my past experience, and explain this ghost as well.
Your thoughts?
Is it possible that because a Phantom tries to teleport to a 'random' player, yet he was going solo, that the script bugged out and that's why it was seeming to appear everywhere at once all over the place? Also I didn't see a single orb.
We had an Attic Spirit, yes, Spirit, and it wouldn't do shit. Wouldn't leave finger prints, wouldn't write, no orbs, nothing. 40min just for one guy to die as soon as he touched the stairs and we just left out of frustration.
Got a ghost to glitch outside the house, don’t ask why… VR magic..
Orbs were at 1:03:58