Learn everything you need to know about how to detect EMF 5 using the Activity Chart in the truck. Let me know if you enjoy these type of videos where I explain advanced Phasmophobia mechanics in short-format videos.
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This was brought to my attention by a mad lad named Smoku Broku 😀
Now i can EMF but i can't EMF because i don't have the game
Exams are so——
Emf lvl. 3 reading
Me: screaming ayyy first evidence EMF lvl 5
Sooo if the graph goes up by 4 at once it basically means emf lvl 5? Interesting. There might be a reason to leave some one in the truck if they will make tools harder to use. In the truck you can track sanity level, emf activity, cams, sensores. Like a full team with different subjects.
This. This is what got me to keep watching Insym and inevitably join one of the best communities out there. I just wanna get good
so when the activity graph spikes it's because a couple different events are just piled on top of eachother?
Finally a guide! Also I saw that I have the most hearts and im a top commenter 😀
Thanks for sharing! =)
Why does this work though? Shouldn't the jump be higher than four instead of equal to OR higher than 4 if I want to detect an EMF 5?
Furthermore what happens if multiple small EMF events happen at the same time? I've read several times that a Poltergeist can cause multiple events at the same time by interacting with different objects simultaneously. Is it just not true or is only the event with the highest level processed in the graph?
So many questions… 😀
Insym masterclass
Insym: *Teaching Newbies how to use an EMF*
Me: RED equal baddd leave when RED
so multiple events are additive?
This is awesome knowledge, but I would recommend checking if those events repeat and not be sure about it once I see jump by 4 levels.
I had Polter who trolled me like this, we did 2 level 2 event at the same time and it looked like EMF5 but truly was not. It was my mistake because that never happened again during game and I trusted it on first sight.
EMF 5: exist
Me: I'm gonna die.
is it sure that non emf 5 ghosts dont give activity 4?
is there a base value of 1 for EMF, or why does the Total Activity sum equal 5 when it peaks by 4?
You legend 🔥
Was testing on several games. A 0-4 plateau or a plateau 4-0 worked all the runs I tried (about 20 runs on small maps)
Love this kind of guide! But maybe try to make a external video for it and taking it more slow instead of a part of the stream. I think it would be more clear for most people. Keep up the great content!
I think an abandoned amusement park would be a cool map idea. Be spoopy
You are soo good at the game! Keep up the good content @Insym!!!😁
I got a spirit with that thing, can it miss sometimes ?
Oh! Oh! Okay, let me see: Yellow is my fav color, poltergeist is fav ghost, Bleasdale Farmhouse is fav map, Luigi Board (or Spirit Box, if that does not count as an Item), I wish they would add ectoplasm as an evidence and blood to find in the house like you need to find the boner, Ekans is my fav pokemon and IT (2017) is my fav horror movie. The first game I played was Tetris in one of those Brick Games consoles, they used to be very popular in the 90's on Brazil. I also played the snake game very often, it was my favorite.
Love the video, looking forward to see you using those new information in the challenges!
I always assumed it was just a rough estimation of the activity in the house. I hope they change how this works eventually, because there shouldn't be mechanics that makes gadgets redundant. We already have a ton of near-useless tools in the game.
What would I like to see in this game? Multiple ghosts on a map!
Asylum with a Wraith AND a Banshee at the same time 😅
Can someone edit professor glasses over him please?
this some big brain emf stats
I've explained to friends that emf 2 is interact (like open door, lights and whatever) 3 is thrown object (or just move it) and 4 is manifestation. if it's 5, it's decided that it indeed is an EMF 5.
I feel that it's not working everytimes tho maybe there is something that i am missing but i got 2 or 3 times that it didn't work , like there was a peak of 4 and it wasn't emf 5 ghost
Insym I need ur help what tools do u recommend first bringing into the prison because when I first played the map my friends keep telling e to bring this and that this and that but I need to know what’s good they tell me to bring a, emf,thermometer, candle or flashlight,spirit box, writing book and crucifix if u can help me thanks a lot!
Also helps to know that mostly emf 2 events have a 1 and 3 chance (idk if thats the right numbers) to give an emf 5. So if you hear a door or a see a light turn on (both emf 2 events) run over and try to get a reading
Just out of curiosity; I just had a run with a demon and the activity board gave me a so called EMF 5 (0-4 spike). Is there something I'm missing? xD
Wasn't this proven incorrect?
Good vid
This didn't work for me. You lied to me -_-
you should use this method to get the emf evidence as a challenge
I'm going to test this a bunch myself because the activity multiplier has an entirely different calculation for this graph that may be confusing o_o So I am going to verify xD
Why does this sound like giant bs
Taught this to my friends last night. I think this is one of the best things they have done in this game.
ngl, when Insym started explaining the graph at 1:00 I thought he was trolling them/us, lol
oh that’s so cool! also love how you’re almost at 76k subs now 🥺💖 subbed around 30k and I’ve loved seeing you grow 🥰