The Ultimate Phasmophobia beginners Guide! *Updated for consoles*

Hey what’s up gamers! its ya boi siick and my oh my do I have a video for you. one might call it my magnum opus. I’ll be honest with you this video has humbled me, I have spent probably close to 20 hours editing this bad boy trying to make teaching entertaining and fun (its near impossible) But with all the new console players coming to phasmophobia I knew I needed to remake my guide so it could be as accurate and as helpful as ever. So, I sincerely hope that if you stumble across this video that it helps you as ultimately that is my goal. If you have any questions on the video, game, or just about me feel free to ask! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and watch this video it means the world to me!

0:00 Intro
0:50 Chapter 1 – The Objective & Evidence
2:34 EMF level 5
4:29 D.O.T.S
6:33 Ultraviolet (U.V.)
8:16 Ghost Orbs
8:55 Ghost Writing
10:05 Spirit Box
12:28 Freezing Temperature
13:43 Chapter 2 – The Exceptions (Deogen-Mimic-Goryo)
14:14 Deogen
16:48 The Mimic
17:53 Goryo
19:07: Chapter 3 – Sanity & Hunts
23:10 Chapter 4 – Lobby & Truck
33:37 chapter 5 – Cursed Possessions
42:20 Doing an investigation
54:29 Outro

Here you can find the link to all my other stuff feel free to join us over on twitch for some livestreams, you can also find my discord where you are more than welcome to join and chat with me and my team! Finally, we have TikTok where I upload short from content/highlights from my streams! I hope to see you around!



20 thoughts on “The Ultimate Phasmophobia beginners Guide! *Updated for consoles*”

  1. From what I have experienced on console was that my money has been disappearing. I looked in stats and it said I have spent 4k!!!!!!. I have only bought 4 flashlights and a motion sensor. I was thinking how I spent 4k having only spent not even 200 dollars but I found out that every time you interact with the Wooden block tower it buys something from the the store. I looked and I had 29 D.O.T.S projectors. I looked it up and I found a Reddit post talking about the same glitch so I recommend people on console to avoid the wooden blocks.

  2. Dont know if anyones mentioned it, (and please correct me if I'm wrong bcuz im a new console player) I've found that taking a picture of the tier 1 notebook is a good way to tell for sure if its been written in. Itll show up in your pictures as a 3 star ghost evidence

  3. My friends and me were playing and we were in like our 12th total investigation and i found the tarot cards. We play overwatch and on of the characters voice lines is "I draw….the (insert random card name here) and we spam it all the time💀 so i immediately grabbed the cards and walked over to them and kept drawing while saying them (heres a reenactment of how it went i cant remember exactly what happened but its close enough) "i draw….the fool….i draw….the hermit….i draw….the high priestess…..i draw….death….oh i died but im still here? Oh well i draw…..the devil…..i draw…..death" or was so funny they kept telling to stop ESPECIALLY after i died the first time they started getting so scared💀 just kept goin for the bit

  4. This is gonna sound so ridiculous, but I just downloaded the game on Xbox I can’t figure out how to actually use the tools… I can’t hold them and stuff but I can’t use any of them. Especially the book! Please help

  5. From experience, the tier 1 thermometer as soon as the red bar is even slightly below 0°C its always freezing, Also worth noting that if tier 2 and tier 3 thermometer shows below 1°C (like 0.9°C, 0.6°C etc.) it ALWAYS will be freezing no matter what.

  6. I played for two sessions before I learned you need to place the book down, not just drop it. So if you are totally new to the game: placing an item is not the same as dropping an item.

  7. How is the Deogen in any way shape or form related to being an exception to the evidence category. I get that it's the #1 most important ghost to talk about for surviving but it should not have been in the category of exceptions to the evidence. The Mimic and the Goryo however perfectly fit that.


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