The Unbelievable Happened in the Phasmophobia Casino – 800K Subscriber Special

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we celebrate 800k Subscribers by doing everyone’s favorite challenge: Ghost Gambling! And we had some unbelievable luck today! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9.2


46 thoughts on “The Unbelievable Happened in the Phasmophobia Casino – 800K Subscriber Special”

  1. Yippee!! 800k and even more now!! You truly deserve all the love and support you receive and so much more. Keep making amazing content and being a real awesome dude, you're killing it, man 🔥 much love! 💚

  2. I was doing weekly challenge and I had in my list obake, banshee and hantu (orb and fingerprints), I brought parabolic microphone, and i heard scream right away, so i went to the truck and in the end it's was mimic…

  3. Hey Insym! I have an interesting idea for a series. Watch viewer's games (ask them to record it and then post it via the community tab in YouTube or whatever) and then give an informative lesson on what to do and what not to do. I think it'd be really interesting to see this sort of video!

  4. Hey Insym! I have to say this to you and i hope you see this. I watch almost every stream and Video from you. Since last year you are my absolutely favourite Youtuber and Streamer! Love your content and personality!
    Please keep it up! Thanks for all the good content and the countless hours i spendt to watch your channel! ❤😁

  5. When I read "punten uitgegeven" on the betting screen I thought I was having a stroke for a minute before I remembered you're Dutch. XD

    Don't blame me, I work in a retailer warehouse. It has been a rough week.

  6. Hey Insym Its Me Nediac31 And I was In your stream one time and also Hello From Australia where I can barely Catch your streams Lul 🙂 Anyway Insym We will Get you to 1 Million or maybe 10 mill so you can get that Diamond Plaque But we Will Get you the Silver Plaque I Promise! We Promise!

  7. I'm confused based off of your previous comment in a different video. Now listen, I suck at math, and I'm not saying your wrong, I actually just want to know why I'm wrong ( EDIT: What I'm perceiving as an illusion here ). The game had a 1/24 chamce of choosing a ghost ( roughly, I don't know the actually spawn rates ) but then, the wheel has it's own 1/24 chance to select a ghost. Why isn't that additive? I feel like it should be, it makes it way more unlikely than a 1/24. ( this is obviously from the perspective of the believers not the doubters ( although I'm not sure that that really changes anything l

    Thank you for reading and hopefully teaching me something <3 thank you all, take care!

  8. Insym idk if you ever read yotube comments but i just wanted to say youte the only gaming YouTuber I've watched since my teenage years (a decade ago) and i love your content! Keep it up


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