The War of the Santas – Phasmophobia


Ghostly Santa just had to try and ruin Christmas one last time, here is The War of the Santas.


21 thoughts on “The War of the Santas – Phasmophobia”

  1. I love the effort into these videos, sad to know your so underrated for the work and effort you put into a single video for some laughs, smiles, and WHAT! Love this channel and hope you become a bigger channel next year. Also I know I’m late but Merry Christmas!

  2. Y'know today me and my brother today were playing and we had weird experiences: we had ghosts hunt only for 10 to 20 seconds? And we had a shade do 2 hunts and quite some ghost events and twins be in 50 million rooms at the same time and no cursed item in tanglewood
    And my brother was doing tarot roulette and he got hangedman and the whole willow street house broke😂


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