The Yurei in 60 seconds | Phasmophobia

Here’s all you need to know about the Yurei in 60 seconds.

I stream on twitch!


37 thoughts on “The Yurei in 60 seconds | Phasmophobia”

  1. 0:14
    We are doing no evidence challenges and stuff like that, but I don't think this info is correct, because it seems like every ghost takes 14 sanity per minute (Professional, ofcourse). It might be bugged or something, please go test it out, because when we are 1 minute in the dark, we get -14 sanity even when it's whoever else. But take note, that testing sanity in the beginning is kinda stupid and almost useless (even if the sanity would work, it's low chance that it actually will be an Yurei and it's just a waste), so we tested it later in the game, but still with quite high sanity (60-100) thanks to the pills, if being in later game has any effect. If we would know this info correctly, it would be extremely helpful. Ofcourse, we tested it out like 5 times, then we stopped, because it was just wasting time on nothing and it took 14 sanity everytime, but it was Yurei just once. And we tested it last time about a month ago, so it might be fixed now.

  2. Nuzzgard I can’t watch Phasmo anymore. It gives me anxiety when I’m trying to sleep. This will be my last recommended vid from you. Speedrun the game, this is my final message, goodbye. 🤏


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