Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we get the BRAND NEW Phasmophobia Christmas trophy! To do this you have to actually feed cookies to the ghost and survive the special christmas hunts! This is a super fun event and the trophy and badge are amazing! ENJOY!
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Intro: 00:00
Willow – 1:30
Edgefield – 14:34
Grafton – 24:12
Ridgeview – 40:00
Edgefield pt 2 – 57:52
Tanglewood – 1:10:50
Bleasdale – 1:27:18
Camp Woodwind – 1:48:50
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8
I like that now, in some ways, the Revenant shares some similarities with the Raiju. For both of them, turning off your equipment to prevent the ghost from getting faster is the top priority when running from it.
"What's not realistic about Phasmo now?"
Ghosts XD
(I know what you meant hough)
Honestly I found if you move the plate around the ghost room it eats it relatively quickly
Play the Metro Series where flashlights are done really well. and lighting in general.
Pretty sure Mandela catalog vol 4 came out you might want to try it out
I love when you ask the ghost: Are you pizza?
I've been watching your videos since earlier this year and man I gotta say. They have made me a better Phas player. I find myself playing with my friends and then after one hunt I can start crossing off ghosts. Its so satisfying. Keep up the fun content!
Youuuuu sob ! You made me look for " eating cookies asmr " and it's so anoying XDDD
Santa Shadeee
I had a scenario where I went to the van to grab some stuff and santa ate the cookies while I was outside.
It was weird af not gonna lie, but I didn't get hunted lol.
Cookie counter: yes
First time i watch the stream! Loved it, this update is fire! I was the one who told you about the music box in ridgeview. Unfortunaly i didn't know It wasnt there
Hi insym, could you please do an updated version of every ghost in phasmo explained tutorial. A lot has changed since your last video and i would really appreciate a new one. Much love from sweden
thats insane, i love the fact that revenants are op now, and the graphics dont even feel like a video game anymore. its insane how much development this game has gone through
I am loving these seasonal updates!
Phasmophobia finally are interesting for players! I waited too much time for this revamp!!!
Wanna see in the dark? Get a head cam then turn on night vision on the computer. It has the same effect as the video cam.
how many times did he say cookies tho
i kinda wish in the future, they make it where you start near sunrise and when the sun rises the ghost is gone and you need to have finished it by then.
Santa jingle is scary asf compared to regular footsteps.
1:12:35 ooooh, so thats why the game looked to me like shit when u were praising the new lighting in the beginning, cuz i am used to seeing u using the high settings 😀
Imagine getting cookies for someone and they don't eat them
Then when they do eat them they scream at you, how rood of them
Can we get a count of how many times cookies was said in this video
I got lisa on grafton during the event first try
I have 2 things to say
1. there is no need to collect the cookies whatsoever for triggering the event
2. the goryo I just had was suspiciously roamy
The beginning was cute with the bell jingling then turned terrifying in an instant when the ghost started stomping across the basement and headed toward the stairs. That scared the bejeezus out of me.
i got the ghost to eat the 🍪 at 3 and got the job done . no need to find 6 cokies
santa gonna creep me in my dreams
CJ is responsible for these hanged man cards 🙂 He some how made a change to your account so that your can get killed by this 😆 this is your content and we enjoy it alot. 🙂 ❤ Love from Pakistan If you like that country.
No offense but you say "I hate it here" and "I'm going to become the Joker" so often you sound like a broken record.
Am I the only one noticing the black spots under Insym's eyes? You doing alright there buddy? 🙂
Fan theory: The ghost hunts when it eats the cookies because it expects chocolate chip. However, its RaSiNs!
I had no problems with the ghost not eating the cookies, but the cookies on Camp site was a nightmare to find! Very sneeky cookies hiding spots ^^
do a ghost tier list please
I can’t play this game I only have a switch there is no phasmophobia 😢 I like this game but i have not played this game and you have told a lot the things about the ghosts in the game I’m interested on the game but I don’t have a computer, VR set and steam deck.😢
Hey, the cookie in the red tent on camp woodwind is bugged. Will you let the devs know.
Volumetrics, dear. the fog is a volumetric thing. thanks to volumetrics not being a physical thing the fog appears to glow. also, the white thing in the living room was the texture seam
I need to see a whisper only challenge on phasmo. It would be so amazing especially with the cookie hunt! 💜💜