They Added Exorcisms to I'm on Phasmophobia Duty – Paranormal Observation

Welcome back to Paranormal Observation! This game is a mix between Phasmophobia and I’m on Observation Duty. It also keeps getting better and better! In this latest update they added exorcisms! ENJOY!

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31 thoughts on “They Added Exorcisms to I'm on Phasmophobia Duty – Paranormal Observation”

  1. Hey, the dev is back! 👻

    The next update will have a delay until the shadow person shows up so it doesn't kill immediately. Also, ghost evidence will be displayed in the evidence menu, so you can directly see what evidence you need when you select a ghost type. There will be a kind of "how to play" section in the menu, so it will be easier to understand what to do.

    If you have any other ideas for the next update, feel free to write them down here below 👇

  2. Insym i love your videos, and i am wondering can YOU survive the new Update from Ghost Exorcism Inc and new map? i am going to bet you can't do it solo. and if you do or can unless it is a clown or memory which is easy, i am wondering how you can play it and survive the Multi-Entity lmao

  3. i would assume whatever room the freezing temps are in is where exorcism to take place, but if u dont have freezing idk how to tell… maybe ghost will only give voices in ghost room… or maybe whichever room apparition appears… idk

  4. Hiding instantly after restarting power seems counterintuitive. You still have to turn it of if it hunts.

    Edit: Had a feeling, knowing mostly how you think, that you would also come to that conclusion lol. Love ya Insym

  5. I'm 45 minutes into this video and the exorcism seems fairly clear to me, but this is just a guess. Find all the evidence to identify the ghost. Wait for the ghost to show a piece of evidence in a room then fire the exorcism in that room. If you choose the wrong room or the wrong ghost it punishes you by automatically triggering a hunt. My advice is to find the shadow while scrolling cams, find the freezing room, trigger voice in a room or get lazer, then fire the exorcism off in that room. Hell, I could be entirely wrong. This is just based off of watching Insym's trial-and-error.
    Edit: 51:05 The exorcism was triggered in the freezing room and it looked to work, but Insym still got hunted. My guess to this is that the exorcism requires the power to be on and turning it off interrupted the process, causing the punishment hunt. If this is the case, when you see an entity appear in the sphere you're gravy. If you don't see anything appear, you do what Insym does and turn the power off and hide to avoid death. Again, I'm spitballing. This is just my best guess.
    Edit2: 1:12:35 Orbs in the room. Exorcism fired off. Ghost captured. Power stayed on. Exorcism complete. 👍

    Sorry about the post length. I really enjoy breaking down the process along with Insym and this game is genuinely interesting with all the changes being made to it. Good job Platuro and Insym!

  6. I think this game needs more for the player to do to combat the ghost. Right know you hide, check the door, and restart the power. What if there were events like the ghost trying to invade you. Like your vision starts to slowly darken until you do something like say a prayer. Maybe like a peekaboo event where you hear giggles and you have to stop looking at the cameras like you do with the door. You could even add more things to the camera like the ability to play music or something and maybe the ghost would start screaming or like clawing at the door and the only way to stop it would be to play music in the correct room or something.


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