They Added REAL Fire to Phasmophobia? – New Update

Welcome back to the New Phasmophobia Update! In this video we visit the campsite for the very first time on the new update. They did a really neat immersion with the campfire that I love! We also found two crazy ghosts! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.2.0


23 thoughts on “They Added REAL Fire to Phasmophobia? – New Update”

  1. I may be wrong but I think it was actually at the fire in the first game but you couldn't have the freezing because you wanted it to be lit. I think the reason you finally found it is because he actually changed his room to central path later, because I feel like you would have found it sooner if it was already a central path ghost. So the fire may prevent you to find the freezing. It definitely needs more testing.

  2. I definitely think Maple is the hardest map in the game…there is so little that blocks line of sight that escaping the ghost during the hunt without a smudge is extremely difficult. Also the tiny tents are useless to me as a VR player lol, 90% of the time I can't close them

  3. Thermo guns shouldn't be able to get readings way way beyond 300 Celcius in design since they aren't used for that level of readings, so hitting 500 is funny.
    EDIT: Actually interesting doing some googling that they read up to 608 degrees, but I'm pretty sure it's not suppose to be in Celsius.

  4. Suprisingly, my fav map is actually Maple Lodge. Because this map was the first time i got tarot cards, and it was the first time i looped a ghost. And its lights r so pretty

  5. Insyyym i hope u consider having a phasmo duo 🥺 i kinda wanna see u have someone to kill during hunts, like a consistent duo. Anw i love the new contents from new updates hehe

  6. ✨Agree! Maple Campsite is the hardest map on the game. Because there is no wall or lack of a tall object to block line of sight and also the map not that big so the ghost can easily chase player

  7. Onryo and Hantu would be pissed at the fire, they both hate it out of fear and heat. Imagine them going to a campsite. (Caution INSANELY long story ahead)

    Inside Phantom's crammed minivan is the entire Mare Household. Phantom is driving, Mare in the front seat reading the map, Yokai and Shade in the middle snoozing, Hantu and Revenant behind them sharing stories, Goryo and Onryo behind them playing Smash Bros 4 on DS's, then all the camping gear and food in the very back. Driving for 2 hours near 10 pm trying to find Maple Lodge is rather mundane as all the ghosts are somewhat bored. Mare then sees a sign telling them where to go and everyone perks up. Its almost time to get out of this van, they had to smell Phantom's smelly carpet for ages and he keeps saying the excuse of "I had it washed last week." That week turned into 7 months.

    They pull into the parking lot and everyone stretches, then unpacks their gear. Some only brought clothes and snacks like Revenant while others like Goryo brought their entire room along in a trunk. They see most of the site is available for use and each pick a spot for their tents. Mare bought the biggest tent that could hold 13 people alone while others were content to be in only a sleeping bag. Mare immediately begins assembling his monster of a tent with Onryo Shade and Hantu's help while Revenant and Yokai sort all the food and one another's clothes and Phantom and Goryo pay for everyone's costs. 10 minutes go by and the tent is almost done and Phantom hears another car pull up to the campsite and who is it? Its Yurei Oni Thaye and Moroi, and everyone's overjoyed to see them. They assist in assembling the tent then build their own tents.

    An hour goes by, everyone is having a good time. Hantu and Revenant are playing Ping-Pong, Onryo and Moroi are having axe throwing contests, Oni and Goryo are playing Wii Sports on the 40 inch tv that Goryo somehow managed to cram into the van, Shade and Yokai are on the roof of the cabin having gotten away to stargaze, Mare is helping other campsite visitors build tents of their own, Thaye is cooking a beef stew for everyone, and Phantom is taking a shower after slipping in the mud. Despite being filthy Phantom is having fun of his own, pranking people who come into the bathroom by spooking them.

    The next person who comes into the bathroom would surely get the worst of it Phantom thought to himself, that's when of all people Jinn walks in covered in mud as well. He and his family had come too and similarly to Phantom slipped into a puddle. Jinn is happy to see an old friend again especially here. He finds out Poltergeist, Myling, and the Twins are here as well on the other side of the site. The only ghosts who aren't present are Obake and Mimic on call at their investigation services, and Spirit and Wraith at the news station covering a heat wave and multiple other stories. Then out of nowhere they hear a crack of a wooden bat and look outside, Raiju is with the Twins and some other campers playing some baseball having a blast.

    Hantu and Raiju then meet and have a friendly scrap, wrestling a bit and are bragging about themselves and laughing and Banshee along with Deogen, Hantu's daughter with Banshee come along and gives them both hugs and drinks. Jinn tells Phantom he has to go, then searches for his tent and hears something unusual. Brooding inside a red tent is none other than Jinn's wife and Raiju's mother, the irritable Demon. Upset that she couldn't go to the club because of "family bonding" she is sitting in her tent reading some very inappropriate books and giggling to herself. Jinn and Demon talk a bit about joining in on the fun then finally convinces her to come out. It's incredibly rare to see Demon smile outside of tormenting others, but she's actually jovial tonight.

    Every ghost present then gathers around a path of charcoals wondering what Mare had in mind to bring them all here. Mare announces that whoever can cross burning coals 20 feet in length gets bragging rights about being the most fearless, and gets dibs on getting to hunt Insym. Everyone is excited but as soon as Moroi uses his cursed eye to light the coals with some sort of heat curse, flames erupt from the coals and everyone cheers except for Hantu and Onryo. Hantu was a bit too close and burned a little bit, then begins notably stumbling. Onryo panics from the blast and scurries away and of all things climbs a damn 56 foot tree. Mare is ashamed at his cousin and begins telling him to come down, then Onryo yells down "Yall can have Insym I'm not doing it." Hantu unable to compete from his burned arm, Deogen and the Twins being too young, Thaye and Revenant being too old, Goryo in his tent declining to go, and Onryo catatonic in a tree, everyone else gives it a try.

    First is Mare who gets halfway through before jumping to the side and everyone laughs. Next is Poltergeist who adds a kicker and tries to balance a stack of eggs in his hands as he crosses and actually completes it. Phantom is up but chickens out after taking one step. Moroi takes a whiff of the coals, then gets a smell of some roasted ham on the fire and that motivates him to sprint across the coals and straight to the campfire winning uncaring of his pain. Yurei is fearfully next but does not want to disappoint his girlfriend Oni and his mentor Moroi, he gets 5 steps in before backing out, at least he tried. Jinn psyches himself up and runs on his toes as fast as he can and makes it as well. Banshee tries and decides to use leaping jumps to get across, she makes it and runs straight to Hantu to tend to him. Myling is next and The Twins and Banshee cheer him on as he runs screaming across and hugs them all happily as he wins. Raiju is next and convinces his mother Demon and his aunt Oni to come beside him, the trio of demonic ghosts flaunt their special power and walk across the coals seemingly untouched from the heat. Yokai is next and tries to ignore the pain but loses balance after a couple of steps away from the end, she loses. Shade is next and is at first afraid to go, then Yokai dares him if he attempts to go she will catch him if he falls and if he makes it he gets to sleep in her tent. Shade gets the courage and slowly but surely makes it across, much to the applause of everyone else. Some of the other campers give it a try and some win and some lose, but everyone is having so much fun.

    The coals are extinguished and it is 30 minutes past midnight. Everyone heads to their tents to sleep. Thats when they remember about Onryo. He fell asleep in the tree and nobody can wake him up. That is when Demon volunteers to do a cruel yet effective prank. She carries a box of matches up the tree and some of the ghosts watch like Twins Raiju Shade and Poltergeist, then right under Onryo's feet, Demon snickers and lights a firecracker and jumps off the tree into Jinn and Raiju's arms. BANG BANG BANG, Onryo shrieks like a cartoon and immediately leaps from the tree into the lake. Coming out drenched out of view, he sees an old mask that looks suspiciously like Jason Voorhees's mask and he puts it on. Thanks to his rather tall size, he looks exactly like the movie killer. Running out from behind Demon's tent he comes menacingly and Twins, Shade, Yokai, Raiju, and Deogen freak out and scatter to their tent. The others laugh gut achingly after they find out it was Onryo.

    Late in the night and almost everyone is asleep. Yokai and Shade in one tent snuggle. Onryo Phantom and Revenant are inside Mare's huge tent in sleeping bags snoring. Demon and Jinn sleep in one sleeping bag while Raiju is in his own. Yurei Moroi and Oni snooze in their car since their tent fell apart. Goryo is sleeping in his tent with the movie Transformers with the Twins beside him. Poltergeist and Thaye fell asleep in lounge chairs beside the fire. Hantu decided to let Deogen and Banshee sleep in his tent, apparently happy to have a family of his own.

    The only one awake at this point is Mare inside his tent reading a book, then he reaches over and holds a couple pictures he has. In the pictures are nearly every single ghost in a group photo at the campsite, in another is Obake and Mimic in their Suv on their way to their first job, and the last one of Spirit and Wraith hugging Mare and Demon the day they graduated college together. Spirit closes their show on the radio with a message about friendship. Mare then hugs the photos close to him and falls asleep. The last light in the campsite goes out as Mare turns the lantern off. Peace with the ghosts has returned for now, friendship has made new memories, old bitter enemies become friends briefly, and happiness is all around.

    …Then Revenant snores "AUGHHHHH" and it wakes everyone in the campsite up laughing.


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