Welcome back to Phasmophobia! The Developers just made a huge change to the custom difficulty! You can now earn absolutely MASSIVE rewards again. In this video we are going to try this new change, and to make it extra special we are going to play it together with CJ and Psycho! ENJOY!
Check out CJ and Psycho!
Psycho: https://www.twitch.tv/psychohypnotic
CJ: https://www.twitch.tv/cjdxn
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Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8
Isn't Sunny Meadows easier than a small house for this kind of challenge? Why always Sunny?
mr. insym, what is your viewer retention ? all your videos are so long, so i'm very curious
They got rid of the burned crucifics infinite photos… not that I used that
im gonna wait for the next CJ song
sunny meadown i think has 69 doors
Old blood does not look red like that, its more like a dark red rust color with almost no brightness left to the red.
I've never played custom before so sorry if i missed it but what do the settings have to be? and does it have to be this map?
Hi, I just installed Phasmophobia and wanted to join your discord server but it says the link is invalid.
31:30 that “g-*static*” is why I love the voice chat.
hi twitch chat
When i started watching my lights started flickering and are now out
honestly they deserve to leave that bookshelf alone after having to hotfix the game 5 times since christmas 😭😭
One thing I always noticed about this game is that the distance covered per footstep for the player as per walk and run isn't the same scale that the ghosts footsteps seem to be on. I don't know if this is a perception thing or what but I can't quite get a hold of visualizing the speed using the footsteps but I suppose I always have the sound direction to rely on for position.
"No, no, no, no, no…"
Hunt ends.
"Let's gooooooo!"
You guys crack me up in this game. 😂
i would love to see you 3 just going into publix lobbys with 1 person
Now THATS the change custom difficulty needed. Love these devs man, they will change the game up for the community’s happiness unlike a lot of corporate triple a companies.
@insym can you ask cj about adding a competition mode on which two teams that can solve the ghost quickest. Better ghost hunting team wins.
I will admit, when I first heard this change, I 100% misunderstood the multiplier drop thing. But what I still don't get… This punishes people playing actually hard difficulties again.
If I want to play 24x, what's the point unless I don't have the trophy? It's more efficient to play 15x and have more fun, than to play 24x.
Help I keep getting the same ghosts several times in a row… I just had SIX mares and before that THREE shades 😭
When the three of you get together, we just know chaos will happen! Y'all are a fking unit lmao
(edit) he does it again at 20:16….
play five nights at freddys sucrity breach pls and its on steam for 20$