They Made 2D Phasmophobia and It's FREE on Steam – Untitled Ghost Game

Welcome to Untitled Ghost Game! This is basically 2D Phasmophobia and it’s completely free on steam. ENJOY!

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42 thoughts on “They Made 2D Phasmophobia and It's FREE on Steam – Untitled Ghost Game”

  1. Hey insym, I just wanted to say that i just watched your Before your eyes playthrough. The sad game you played 2 years ago. And i gotta say thank you so much for that man. I've grown so connected to you. I am 18 now and i have attachment disorder from birth. I think i haven't cried in like…. 10 years. Not even when my parents or grandparents or cat died… somehow you made me cry by watching you cry. I thank you for that. I don't know how you did it but i am forever grateful for making me finally get through that barrier. You are one of the reasons i can finally live a normal life without feeling like i don't have emotions and aren't worth it. I finally…. I finally cried. I gotta say it again Insym i will support you forever and i am forever greatful my fellow Dutch person. I don't know if I can say it but i love you for that Insym ♥♥♥ I for sure hope you read this and good luck in your streaming career. I haven't been chatting a lot in stream or videos but i follow you for over 2 years now. Thank you for being awesome and please stay awesome and if you have a problem or wanna talk remember your community is always here for you♥♥♥ thank you for being a life changer. I can say 100 more things but i think i gotta stop or i will write like an essay. much love

  2. Just downloaded this game and I cannot survive the hunts, it takes like 10 seconds to get into a hiding spot and by that time has finished i am already dead because the ghost is fast, how come i cant go into a spot as fast as you?

  3. Hey dev here!! It’s awesome that you played my game insym!!! I am glad you liked it!

    also if anyone has suggestions or comments about the game I would love to hear it!! 🙂 ❤❤

  4. 19:40 Trickster was impossible, because the book was bugged. It was stating it's a possibility with the wrong evidence type. Trickster is Hot Temps, Fingerprints, and Luigi Board, but you had Spirit Box and Fingerprints. Trickster wasn't a possibility.

  5. theres another 2d ghost game. but im sure youtube wont like it 😉
    but it also comes close to phasmophobia. u have a ton of tools and like for now i believe 10 ish ghosts out of 20. planned ones.

  6. yooooo Insym, I literally started this game today and I am a level 27, I found out early that you can use the clock to immediately rule out the clock ghost, and the emf only goes off if it is a emf ghost.

  7. Next time try doing what you did earlier in the video; hide in one of the corners of the smaller rooms with your flashlight off! Maybe that will help your chances of surviving a hunt if both mirrors are broken


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