Welcome to Untitled Ghost Game! This is basically 2D Phasmophobia and it’s completely free on steam. ENJOY!
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Suggest Games for me to Play Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnze199-r7Qb6H79DRb3HCjI0dcRk94NVbUemC1mbyH2pUxA/viewform
turn your equipment off you dummy.
You have 3000 hours in Phasmo, I should not have to tell you this lol
I Actually Played This A Few Weeks Ago And I Didn't Really Understand But I'll Have To Check It Out Again
Hey insym, I just wanted to say that i just watched your Before your eyes playthrough. The sad game you played 2 years ago. And i gotta say thank you so much for that man. I've grown so connected to you. I am 18 now and i have attachment disorder from birth. I think i haven't cried in like…. 10 years. Not even when my parents or grandparents or cat died… somehow you made me cry by watching you cry. I thank you for that. I don't know how you did it but i am forever grateful for making me finally get through that barrier. You are one of the reasons i can finally live a normal life without feeling like i don't have emotions and aren't worth it. I finally…. I finally cried. I gotta say it again Insym i will support you forever and i am forever greatful my fellow Dutch person. I don't know if I can say it but i love you for that Insym ♥♥♥ I for sure hope you read this and good luck in your streaming career. I haven't been chatting a lot in stream or videos but i follow you for over 2 years now. Thank you for being awesome and please stay awesome and if you have a problem or wanna talk remember your community is always here for you♥♥♥ thank you for being a life changer. I can say 100 more things but i think i gotta stop or i will write like an essay. much love
Wow this game is made by indian 👍👍👍🥳🥳🥳
it would be nice if you would put the link to the game into the video description for new or free games
Insym if you heart this I’ll cry in Dutch
10:15 Even in 2d Phasmo he still freezes at the start of the game 💀
Just downloaded this game and I cannot survive the hunts, it takes like 10 seconds to get into a hiding spot and by that time has finished i am already dead because the ghost is fast, how come i cant go into a spot as fast as you?
I was just searching this up but I don’t know if this was canceled or not, but does anyone know when phasmophobia will be on consoles
Hey dev here!! It’s awesome that you played my game insym!!! I am glad you liked it!
also if anyone has suggestions or comments about the game I would love to hear it!! 🙂 ❤❤
Phasmo + Untitled goose game + Darkwood + Indians
Ah finally….a real phasmophobia!
Haven't heard of this thank you Insym
19:40 Trickster was impossible, because the book was bugged. It was stating it's a possibility with the wrong evidence type. Trickster is Hot Temps, Fingerprints, and Luigi Board, but you had Spirit Box and Fingerprints. Trickster wasn't a possibility.
theres another 2d ghost game. but im sure youtube wont like it 😉
but it also comes close to phasmophobia. u have a ton of tools and like for now i believe 10 ish ghosts out of 20. planned ones.
Ah, the Obambo ghost. The second cousin once removed of the Obake
yooooo Insym, I literally started this game today and I am a level 27, I found out early that you can use the clock to immediately rule out the clock ghost, and the emf only goes off if it is a emf ghost.
i see u upload n i feel so excited to go to bed at the end of my day 🤗
On the map choosing area you can see where the mirrors are
If were being real the chicken in the game promo video is the actual ghost.
Love from india😂😂
Is this the Xbox version? 🤣🤣🤣
lol You would have been perfect for that video.
I mean… forget I said anything xD
Shoutout to the ghost sounding like a firework running around in the house
That last hunt was so cheap
This would do excellent on Google play I think
Hi Insym, I'm a huge fan and I would like to know about the specs of your pc, please kindly mention those in the description of the next video. Have a great day ahead ❤
I hope you play ghostist again. The music was such a trip.
what is hot temps?
I would love it if inysm could play granny
Is It available in android?
Well interesting Idea, but they should have made all rooms dark like the real phasmo so the flashlight got a real purpose.
They made such a good game and it’s FREE ON STEAM!!! Peoples please play this game!
The #2 guy on the leaderboard "Kozeki UI" went from level 54 to level 99 after you refreshed it xD So in the time you played they got 45 levels? ain't no way
"Someone shot the table…"
hey there! I made the music for the game, glad you liked it !!
Thank you Insym! You rock!
You're so scared of hardest difficulty you don't even spend time looking for the ghost room and hiding spots.
Next time try doing what you did earlier in the video; hide in one of the corners of the smaller rooms with your flashlight off! Maybe that will help your chances of surviving a hunt if both mirrors are broken
:31 43:25