They Made Phasmophobia 10x Harder with Insanity Mode

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play insanity mode and get some of the hardest ghosts I have ever seen. Insanity mode is absolutely crazy. It’s so much harder than nightmare mode. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1


22 thoughts on “They Made Phasmophobia 10x Harder with Insanity Mode”

  1. I love the weekly challenges, but this week's is just too hard for a new player like myself. I've never even survived a Nightmare run, let alone no evidence + 0 sanity.

  2. In case you don't already know: Once you get an EMF signal and you are not sure if it came from a door (like at 50:09) then with the EMF in hand you can spam the door with left click and you will hear that with each click the sound stops briefly 😀

  3. The Myling singing a lot is lore accurate…myling are babies killed by their mothers who didn't want them, their ghosts sing to mimic lullabys and reveal their mothers crime

  4. The ghosts are pretty messed up right now, at least for me. Sometimes I can barely hear them, so I mistake them for a Myling. I had overly passive Demons on a No Sanity Run and a Shade that followed in Edgefield from the kitchen bathroom all the way upstairs right next to the two closets, set up shop there, opened a few doors, did a ghost event and started a hunt.
    I hate the Shade. And the Yurei. And the Goryo. Fuck those guys.

  5. i got the craziest phantom earlier today and wasn't even on insanity mode but at 100% sanity as soon as i stepped in the garage it did a ghost event and then every single time i entered the ghost room it did a ghost event it was crazy

  6. The little verbal idiosyncrasies with your European background make me happy – I lived there for four months and miss it.

    By the way – the first ghost – the woman’s name Jo is pronounced like the man’s name Joe ✅👍🏼

  7. For grinding levels, I've just tweaked the old 15x custom you made, since the bonuses are reduced.

    Still super fast games (most of the time), with a multiplier of 5.39.

    Starting Sanity: 100. Sanity Pills: 25%. Sanity Drain: 200%. Sprinting: Off. Player Speed: 100%. Flashlights: Off. Lose items on death: On.
    Ghost Speed: 150%. Roaming: Low. No Room Change. High Interaction. High Event Freq. No Friendly Ghost. 0 Grace Period. High Hunt Duration. 3 Evidence. 100% Fingerprint for 120s.
    Setup time: 0. Light Rain. Doors starting open: High. No hiding spots. Monitors: On. Fuse box starts on. Fuse box not visible on map.

    Someone can tweak them further to get very small increases, but this has been solid for when we feel like grinding levels. We're closing in on 3000 thanks to your guides!

  8. "oh yeah itts still easy to grind if you just start , just go insanity and get 1 hunt and youlll know the ghost" not everyone no lifes this game and can tell everything about every ghost by the way the walk my guy


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