Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find a Bleasdale attic ghost! These ghosts are absolutely legendary, they are among the hardest ghosts in the game and I find them amazing. Some of my best memories in this game are from Bleasdale attic ghosts. This one was definitely crazy too! It hunted in many strange ways and there was even a crazy glitch that got someone killed. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.0
18:40 confirms you cannot get EMF5 from board during hunts. This is useful information.
Now that is a prime example of bloody murder baby rage, wanted to kill someone badly
I went frame by frame to check that first DOTS call in chat, and I missed it three times before I found it. It was SUPER fast and super subtle! A true ghost moment where you question what you just saw. It happens at 5:30 the instant you place the salt and it comes at you, offset to the left of the salt pile, passing between it and the divider. By my estimate it lasts between a quarter and a third of a second.
Oh crazy baby so fast! I had a similar ghost in grafton. Was doing things in the upstairs hallway and we got evidence there but she would start hunting in the twins or other bedroom downstairs
So are the new ghosts out yet?
when the ghost appeared , you looked over , then looked back and it was home after he got cheated
"I haven't had an attic ghost in 5 years."
He says just after this game's first anniversary.
this video is excellent xD hahaha
I had a rev in the attic the other day and died 🤣
the comeback of the attic ghost
Holly shit! I got an attic ghost after watching this video
The spark effect is the salt particles falling through the map.
Does insym have instagram?
Ghost not wants to be honest it has 1 killcount so it sometimes pretents. "i'm still a ghost without any kills!"
One of my earliest ghosts was a bleasdale attic, scared the crap out of me!
Great timing, I was playing Photo randomizer rounds with a friend today and we also got an Attic ghost. These ghosts make absolutely no sense man, its insane. First, it did a ghost event in the KITCHEN, so we were waiting for it to do more stuff, but nothing. Then I got bored and decided to ask the board. It said Attic, I got super confused, but until then it was fine. Then we went up there in the attic, got some interactions, and just when we're about to head out of the house to pick our items, a hunt starts. I was thinking "I'll just head downstairs we'll be finee", but nah, just when I started going down to the first floor, steps became louder and I met the motherfucker mid stairs, almost died. The ghost hunt a few more times and it was spawning EVERYWHERE. I thought for sure it was a Banshee using its special ability (if that's still a thing?), but no, we had a camera and 2 DOTS, but couldn't get either evidence. Ruling everything else out (freezing, fingerprints, EMF), it could only be an Poltergeist at the end of the day, and it was. It made no sense.
Also, my friend died the exact same way as 'not firoz' here when he was trying to get a good look of the ghost during a hunt, lol. I always keep my distance from those stairs cause I know the ghost can kill you through the handrail, so I thought it could definitely kill you going up there too if you were too close. I was right
we love typos in the title. aside from that this is great. Never had an attic ghost
This seems to be a pattern because I had the same thing happen to me. I found a revenant in bleasdale attic and then later, it shifted it's ghost room to the first floor hallway. The hallway became freezing and ghost never went back to attic.
Before Insym Asked the ghost ' Are you French?' The ghost replied..!!😂😋
The fact that my cousin's name is Jennifer Smith is really messing with me haha
4:34 – I remember that time when you have attic ghost (which is Demon), you got killed and you're having hard time figuring out if it was ghost writing or not since you can't see it when you died.
Babies cant count so she was confused between 1 and 0
I miss good old Trypog,don't get me wrong i like all the videos,though was long time we haven't seen trypog. pepe sad. I hope we will see more trypog in future.
Had one a week ago was super fast to figure out but the motion sensor objective was a pain and took forever as had to wait for it to walk down the stairs . It hated to roam. And didn't spawn In Attic during hunt and didn't go up there during a hunt
So… no sprint challenge?
Insym has plot armour
"Tiny little baby bitch" 😂😂😭 I'm so hooked on your channel 👊
the sparks he saw was the ghost stepping in the salt, the particle effect goes through the ceiling
Still to this day, I believe this game was the best thing to happen in 2020.
This ghost was determined to pack as much content for the Youtube as possible into that 19 minutes and 35 seconds and it was great.
I don't think I've ever had an attic ghost. I have 200 hours in this
my whole team died last time from a Bleasdale Attic Rev…
I'm thinking it wasn't attic. It might have been a room under the attic, so it was roaming to the attic. I've had that happen before. And one time it WAS an attic ghost, it was going things on the main floor. Their roaming capabilities are insane.
I saw "Bleasdale attic" and knew this was going to be an interesting video, but I was not expecting that. Haha. Crazy stuff.
What makes the Attic Ghost so much harder?
tell me it wouldnt be a cool video idea for a 5 min long highlight reel of his fav weekly moments or even monthly
"I wonder why Jennifer was so sad :("
7:20 it was a poltergeist not a demon
I'm guessing that when the marker is already on the right number answer when you ask question (in this case how many people killed) then it goes to zero first then back to right answer again and that's why kept going between one and zero
14:35 wtf.
I think the ghost doing a ghost event upstairs and then teleporting downstairs is the wraith's ability, no? Please correct me if I'm wrong
Im new player and this first time i know there ghost baby and god damn that terrifying
The game has just been spoiling you lately! Cafeteria ghosts, entrance revs, gym ghosts… can't wait for more with the new update!
the thing that happened at 14:41 (player being killed from downstairs) happened to me the other day as well. that was some big bullshit haha.
I had an attic ghost last weekend and that ghost was insane. It kept hunting downstairs in the bedroom by the front door, hunting in the hallway by the attic stairs, it was insane. Funny thing is after we found all the evidence we figured out it was a Goryo. A roaming Goryo XD
My first ghost ever was an attic Yurei. On professional. We only had freezing temps and orbs, so we thought it was a Revanent and we were scared. The only reason we found out it was a Yurei was because it hunted, and I was right up there. I woulda been killed if it actually was one.
I got into this game because of my roommate showing me your videos and me playing backseat with her to learn. Now I'm only level 50 but my ghost guesses are right almost every time based on behavior alone.
I have had few games when the bleasdale attic ghost started hunting from the kitchen and everywhere else but the attic.
I think the reason she's saying she only killed one person cuz the other person disconnected after they died.