This Challenge was WAY Harder Than I Expected – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge Audio Only

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play the new weekly challenge and it turns out to be one of the hardest challenges yet. No lights, no hunts, and few evidence items. GOOD LUCK!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1


41 thoughts on “This Challenge was WAY Harder Than I Expected – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge Audio Only”

  1. Ive done this challenge twice now (one for me and one with my friend) I thought it was quite easy with the paramic. There was one run that took awhile and one we did in like 3 min

  2. i got myling – jinn – goryo combo 3x in a row 🙂
    With breaker breaker auto broken it was very hard to figure out.
    Myling test without flashlights was also surprisingly difficult with only UV

  3. As a beginner scared of hunts, I was kinda glad my sanity dropped so slowly ^^ Going in Sunny meadows without light was quite stressful too.
    A hard challenge for sure, unless you use your ears, as you said

  4. My first run was a Thaye in the exact same room as your Thaye. We were at 0% sanity the whole time and just left because we thought it was a passive Thaye.
    Most people forget that a Thaye can be a passive one and never hunt but because I watch your videos so much, I learn so many things and thus knew it was a Thaye

  5. The good thing about this one challenge though that makes it all very doable is the fact that the sanity barely drains/doesn't drain at all (I was 93% sanity once at the end of a mission so I guess a little bit of sanity drained) which helps you because the ghost won't hunt, and you can check for EMF 5 with the activity graph

  6. I can see why they didn’t give the EMF, thermo or torch but the book not being included was an odd choice. I cursed CJ’s name a little too, at the no cursed possession. 😂

    My ghosts were a polty, obake, yurei (but my game crashed) and demon. I got all of them through secondary evidence – so thanks to you and Psycho for that!

  7. I think what people might forget is that out of those 12% the first 10 minutes, 5 were during the setup phase which is lowered in addition. So you'd most likely have 4% of that being drained the first 10 minutes, and 8% drained the next 5 minutes.

    On amateur, to reach 50% sanity in multiplayer on a large map, including the setup phase, requires about 19 minutes.
    Solo rates are halved(including the setup time), so to reach the same amount, you'd require about 35 minutes.

    on medium maps, this is 12 minutes for multiplayer and 22 minutes for solo players.
    on small maps this is 8 minutes for multiplayer and 15 minutes for solo players.

    I think the solo rates shouldnt be halved by default, I think they should be 75% the rate of multiplayer at best, this already tweaks the 35 minutes on sunny meadows to 26 minutes, while on a small map, this would go from 15 minutes to 10.5 minutes

    And perhaps they should simply start off the first 50 levels of your journey with 0.5x rates while playing solo, and increase it to 0.75x rates to already make amateur a little bit "harder".
    Most insanity players know how to keep their sanity stable anyway, and having higher sanity drain is good when you know how to control it, so it wont really make the game harder or easier for longterm players, but it would make amateur a lot more doable for solo players.

  8. Sound sensor is underrated for this challenge. We covered a full wing with four sensors sweeping the female wing and then explored the north and west area without having to worry about missing the room. Not to mention it came in clutch for the Twins, finding the room opposite the map but seeing sound sensor trigger on the other side.

  9. On the first try, me and friend noticed that the chances of events seemed to be very high, so it was easy to found the ghost room every time. We just went through separate corridors inside the building and waited for sounds or to see an orb.

  10. Listening is the hardest for me because i'm hard of hearing. Even watching your videos when you crouch and loop the ghost I can't tell where the ghost is. I can sorta hear the footsteps just not pinpoint it. I might try this challenge on my next day off but we'll see how it goes lol.

  11. Yeah, I didn't like this challenge. Our first ghost was really inactive. It took us 40 minutes to find the ghost room (we are used to use candles at all time, so we didn't get hunted). We were using sound sensors. We detect sounds in the basement west corridor (near the middle), so we stayed there for a very long time, but it wasn't there at all: it was in the boiler room. Second game, we had the problem you describe: it was between Thaye or Raiju. We wanted to get a hunt, so it took 15 minutes to lose enough sanity to get the hunt (and we were lucky it was between early hunters!). Last game, we were lucky : it was a demon and it hunted twice really early (at 100% and 80% average sanity, after someone died in the first hunt).

  12. honestly I like that they decreased sanity drain + no cursed possesion. Otherwise you could just ignore the whole point of the challenge and get a hunt to identify the ghost.

  13. Really, they should keep this challenge, but with a few changes for next time, like giving books and salt, a curse possession (music box would be great, I agree, but I could settle for summoning circle as well) and maybe giving the fuse box so you can use the paramic more efficiently. They could also give smudge, because I don't see why we don't have them, but I didn't miss them, really, so I don't care too much.
    If they are giving dots and cameras, I don't see why they don't give books and salt.

  14. Me with a potato pc having 6 fps finishing all games in 4 mins because the ghost rooms were close to the entrance, and i got all the evidence from the equipment.

  15. I accidentally did a speedrun on my last round bc I was just clicking through the preset cams for fun, not expecting to see anything, and then BAM! ghost orbs in the chapel lmao

  16. This challenge is hard because low sanity drain, low activity, and no cursed possession, even my team (4 people) at the first try without bringing candle, for 30 minutes no hunt, little activity, fortunately we got the ghost right and we are surprised our final sanity average is 80% lol

  17. My first 2 games with this challenge the ghost was at the room to the right of entrance. 3rd was harder to find. Pretty sure all evidence each time.

    For the 15k you should do a community day and ay with your followers. Preferably a Saturday!


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