This Crucifix did NOT Save Us in Phasmophobia!!

This Crucifix did NOT Save Us in Phasmophobia!! Today Dark OB aka @BeautifulOB and @Camodo2nd search for ghosts in a haunted house. Can Beautiful OB manage to guide them through the house and find the ghost before its too late in Phasmophobia gameplay?

About Phasmophobia
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost-hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.

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41 thoughts on “This Crucifix did NOT Save Us in Phasmophobia!!”

  1. Hey, OB! Just a quick tip here, try to pay attention to how active the ghost is throughout the hunt and compare it to what evidence you have. Also, look through the book to find out what it is sooner so you can earn more money by taking pictures.

    Oh, and definitely do the optional objectives. Those pay big money.

  2. O.B. The mimic has ghost orbs appear in the room it is in, but it doesn’t actually mean it’s Ghost Orbs. It’s just a trait it has to trick players. You can read it in the journal on tab Ghosts and choose the name mimic to read about it. Also when it says “Responds to: We’re unsure” means they don’t know if the ghost responds to the player when everyone is there or people who are alone.

  3. One thing as well as I have double checked and yes the lights do need to be off. In the game if you open your journal and go to items then go to spirit box it will say make sure the lights are off. Also doors spawn in random positions when you start a game. Also each tier of crucifix can be used at certain number of times. Tier 1 which you have can be used once. Tier 2 twice. And tier 3 can be used three times.

  4. Love these 😂 greatest videos ever. You guys are the funniest YouTubers on here! Love how OB is taking charge and being Mr. Teacher-Ob! And Comodo seems slightly braver than when you guys played this before 😂 Keep being awesome guys! ❤

  5. OB ik this didnt happen, but if the ghost it, lets say, a revenant, if you are hiding from it, it is a snail, but as soon as it sees or hears you, it zooms. A deogen zooms to your location and then becomes a snail. just be careful of mimic. Also, for now, you need to croutch when using DOTS because of something that makes your location for the ghost a floor higherthan your on, so it would go to the second floor if your on the first.


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