This Cursed Possession is SO GOOD! – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we talk about how the Mirror is one of the most useful cursed possessions in Phasmophobia! I really think it’s often underrated because it isn’t as “flashy” but when you use it correctly it can make the game so much easier. I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.1.0


38 thoughts on “This Cursed Possession is SO GOOD! – Phasmophobia”

  1. Summoning Circle is my favorite.

    I personally find tarot cards the least useful just because of the randomness and risk. If the risk weren't literally "immediate death" then the chance to force a ghost event would be amazing.

    The mirror isn't all that great if you've already found the ghost room. Unless you can control your sanity well enough to keep aware of when the room moves.
    But I don't think that's TOO useful. It's pretty easy to figure out which room is the ghost room even after it moves.

  2. My opinion about cursed items
    1th ouija board
    2th mirror
    3th summoning circe
    4th music box
    5th cards
    6th voodoo doll
    Or 4th cards and 5th music box

  3. Certainly not the best but my fav are cards due to RNG factor, either you clutch the game and revive your friend that died or you get insta killed or so many more outcomes. Throws the game for a loop

  4. How to describe this episode: a varied topic switching knowledge-fest. Mirrors and why they are more useful than other cursed items, incendiary hiding spots discussions, varied ghost behaviors, fingerprints for days, missed photos, perfect games, luck vs skill, and points of view for players of all difficulties. Also this ghost shatters the lights.

    And for the "Which cursed item is the best/worst" going from garbage to epic. The Voodoo doll is pretty much useless on large maps because it is pretty unlikely you could hear the items being tossed and a 10% chance to stab the heart, potentially killing you if you stand in the room. I guess it is somewhat useful to coax out shyer ghosts but even then its too much on the line for so little. The cards gamble your life at 1% for The Hanged Man to kill you with the other odds being The Tower giving forced interactions, The Hermit locking the ghost, The Devil giving an event, Sun Moon and Wheel Of Fortune doing sanity shenanigans, Death 13 beginning a cursed hunt, The Fool faking a card entirely which wastes a card slot, and a 2% chance to bring back someone dead with The High Priestess. All of that with an item that in my case ruined a perfect game vs a Mimic in Ridgeview because of The Hanged Man being my 4th card. The music box is too dangerous to be even used in my opinion, you get one forced event and the location of the ghost into a cursed hunt which is often fatal for the misfortunate. The main upsides are a guaranteed photo of the ghost and the location. of its room with objectives being done sometimes. The summon circle i have a personal beef with over the whole satanism thing (definitely not a fan of it) but when used properly you can do so many objectives, a 3 star ghost photo, planning for escape routes, and pretty much guarantee a perfect game if used right. And finally the mirror, you can use it multiple times, have direct control of your sanity, know exactly where the ghost is, and it wont make the ghost attack unless it breaks or you are too careless.

  5. Nope, you also have to use smudge sticks wisely to survive on nightmare. Not having hiding spots encourages you to learn these mechanics and to break line of sight more efficiently. People just like to complain when they suck, and phasmo community is full of people who don’t want to learn, they just like easy games (those who spend most of the game in the truck or outside the front door). But whats the challenge then?
    I would add a money/xp boost for the time spent in the ghost room, rewarding players who take the risk. Today’s phasmo rewards equally as a team, which kinda sucks since there is no real benefit on taking personal risk, so some might play it safe and still get all rewards as if they came close and personal with the entity.

  6. If you can't hide without a closet, you are not skilled enough for Nightmare. I play Nightmare cause I love making a lot of money. The entire point behind Cursed Objects is just that, stupid, IT'S CURSED!!!! Learn to play the game using the mechanics and manage your risk/reward! This is a vary vary vary fun game I love playing and yes it IS a kin to Dark Souls for this type of game. GIT GUD! ~Every Dark Souls Player

    Think about this for a sec, if the game was easier to play it would not be as fun! If you always had a high chance of escape, then wheres the fun? Part of the fun is not knowing if you are going to live second to second.

  7. YOOO It made me so happy when you responded to that question. Not just responded but straight up went on a full on talking-rampage explaining why the mirror is cool throughout most of the stream. Thank you so much vor being a cool guy that reads chat frequently!

  8. 12:00 is false apparently according to discussion on Discord recently. I brought up the issue of Goryo being bugged because in multi there was a person near the ghost and one in truck. We still saw Dots in camera so we thought it's not a Goryo then (Nightmare). And guess what? It was a Goryo. Apparently he does show dots in camera is someone is in room, he just don't show dots if you don't use camera and watch with naked eye. This is the only difference how to spot Goryo dots, see if you can see them without cam cos they will show up anyway. It';s not a bug apparently Strenght dont tell you it wont make dots, its "usually" leave DOTS on camera.

  9. 1. Ouija board, love the many questions I'm able to ask. And it's quite easy to get ghost photo and hunts.
    2. Mirror, all of the things you said.
    3. Summoning circle, when you light some candles and turn of the light, it's just epiiic. The red glowing colour is just so good. Easy to get ghost photo and hunt.
    4. Tarot cards, I just find it funny to gamble with 'em while playing with friends.
    5. Voodoo doll, I'm just scared of it and I don't want to use it.
    6. Music box, even though the singing voice is sick it's still wayyyy too scary.

  10. the Tarot Cards and music box are my favorite, they're the most fun.
    Ouija board is the best imo. Weakest is deff Voodoo with Cards coming next but with a higher risk but also with more reward. Mirror is my least favorite especially on big maps because idk any of the rooms and it's just kind of boring. I would say is prob the most useful behind Ouija though.
    Then in the absolute middle you have the Music Box and Summoning Circle with Summoning Circle taking a small lead.
    If you get everything ready and you know where the ghost will walk from then you can do all of the same objective as the Summoning Circle with the Music Box, but obviously because you can just put everything in order before the Summoning Circle you can get it 100% of the time with no difficulty. They have about the same amount of risk if you get unlucky with the Hunt timing for the summoning circle, but generally the Music Box is easier to predict. With that in mind I think those two could be a true neutral option and could be tied or swapped around. But I'd lead more with the Circle.
    That's my list!

  11. I played with my boyfriend and I just found the music box… So I want some fun and turn it on and go outside. My bf was in the ghost room (on tanglewood the boys bedroom) and the ghost spawn infront of him and the only closet was blocked… And he actually survived the hunt. The ghost tried to open the door what he tried to hold and he was fast enough to get it again. After this the ghost just go infront of him like 3-4 times. 😀 I watched that on the window.
    Im too scared to do some science about this.

  12. Professional for me is good for couch chill games where I don't take myself seriously, and just kind of have fun with phasmophobia.

    Nightmare for me is more for when I feel like a challenge and I want to feel more like I'm a ghost investigator in a sense x3

  13. The haunted mirror is one of my favorite items so far, though it's one of those items I can't let my friends get their hands on for my own safety

    Though the strongest in my opinion is the board

  14. Most useful: Mirror. Shows the ghost room. Minimal risk, as long as you know your sanity. Also the safest. But, does test your knowledge of the game, where the board can be precise at the cost of massive sanity cuts. Second place ties both board and music box.

    Least useful: Tie between Tarot cards and Voodoo. Both have needlessly high risks that can put you in danger right off the bat. What's that? You're playing by yourself and the first card you draw is the Hanged Man? Well, gfys I guess, lol! Also high priestess being a wasted card in solo play. (I think it could act as a 'shield' in solo play that'll end a hunt or cause a smudge effect if the ghost catches you.) RNG makes for funny haha clips but when I'm actually trying to play the game seriously I'll just take a picture and leave the deck alone unless I absolutely have to. Voodoo doll also doesn't always work and always cuts sanity AND can randomly just activate a kill switch which can screw you over in small rooms with one exit if you're not fast/prepared.

  15. door in bathroom 60% kills me all the time even if they were out of sign of me(even with the tips of closed you flashlight), im lvl 1100 today so i kinda have experience, but since they block the hide closet's idk man, feels bad to die when you finished everything and you just want to finish the quest's lol >.<

  16. The Hanged Man card should, instead of immediately killing you, lock you in the location for several minutes. It would be an amazingly dangerous card to pull – you can't go get more equipment, you can't use the screens in the truck, and if you don't have a candle or lights on… your sanity will start draining. But it isn't an immediate RNG loss.

    Or maybe the Hanged Man teleports the ghost to the room you're in and manifests it WITHOUT triggering a hunt… unless your sanity is in hunt range for the ghost. This adds an IMMEDIATE risk thanks to the 1 second grace period, but also a tool to test the ghost's identity with. Of course it would also make for easy ghost photos if you are at full sanity.
    And maybe with a demon, it hunts you even if you're at full sanity.

    I hate it when games just have an RNG chance to make you lose. I don't find that fun. I would prefer to pull a card that makes death extremely likely, but still possible to recover from (like the Death card), or some other insane risk – but with a benefit that makes that risk worthwhile.

  17. I really love Insym's enthusiasm for Professional difficulty. It's nice to see experienced players not just feel like they have to always be playing Nightmare. I've been seeing way too many players trying to measure their ego with Nightmare constantly and either not knowing enough about the game and then getting frustrated by that, or knowing about the game but still always playing Nightmare and getting angry when the behaviours don't perfectly align. There's no shame in playing something lower than the "hardest" difficulty, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. Feels like gamers from all games need to be constantly reminded of that.


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