Welcome to Phasmophobia, hands down my FAVORITE horror game in a long time. In the back of my head, I always wanted to make/play a horror game about being an actual ghost investigator. This takes the cake. I’ve been playing a lot in VR with my friends (VR footage would not record right, sorry) and it is beyond terrifying. That said, this was my first time going in solo. ALSO BEYOND TERRIFYING. Today’s video will be a solo run, but tune for the next few ones for coop play!
TLDR; this is Buzzfeed Unsolved the game.
Tanglewood Street House
Difficulty: Amateur
Level 15
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►Download Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
been playing the shit outta this game with my buddies. got it like a few days after when it was released lol. solo is like suicide feeling scared even watching you play solo
so angry it took you so long to fine the writting on the book lol
Okay I've been watching people play this on twitch and this was scarier to watch you play it alone haha
I made Phasmophobia in RPG Maker! Check it out here: https://youtu.be/f9s7ggydpWc
alone seems so scary hahaha
i watched a ton of people playing this and wanted to get in and try learning the ins and outs of it. tried it alone and the tutorial even made me wanna get done asap. they did a great job with the ambience.
So the ghost will always be in its room 80% and will move to adjacent rooms for a few seconds
Tip: For the Crucifix to work you must drop it, it will have a chance to stop a hunt in the area of the Crucifix
I kept yelling “the journal! The journal!” Haha you’re way braver than me tho 😂😂
Playing this game alone if the full experience, playing it with players, let alone friends is not even the same game, id say the best way is 2 players
Susan Martina What is your name?
You: Oh dear
Your a legend, when I played the game solo (first time playing it today) I freaked out and I was also on a call with my friends and they were watching me play. But you sounded so calm while playing! And you also knew what you were going to do unlike me just charging in with random objects
Hi! I need your help 🙁
I'm having a lot of trouble playing this game.
I was in the Boys' Room and heard a: HAAA and the lights turned off and the door closed, that was a big no-no for me.
I Alt-Tabbed and cried myself to sleep 🙁
Can you help me make it less scary? Much thanks
I bought this game and I have VR. Played Solo because horror games stopped scaring me and I figured solo blind would the the most scary. It made me so scared my legs gave out o__o
Solo is the way to go, especially in asylum it's a real challenge to find the ghost room, you better have your spider sense ready and listen intently to subtle noises to hone in on the ghost room and the place is creepy AF,
Thanks for the vid, you're so brave! I tried playing solo on the 2-story house. I managed to sweep the first floor with the thermometer, then started going up the stairs, and heard a door shut upstairs. That was it. I was like nope, nope, nope, and immediately quit the game. I'm only playing with friends! XD
It "smell like Bitch in here"! LOL
Uhhhh, I was thinking about getting this game, but I don't think I can handle it alone. I got nervous by simply watching you play this solo.
When it answered to the spirit box i started yelling "ITS A DEMOON ITS A DEEMOON"
im getting the game tomorrow and my only choice is to play solo since i have no friends, wish me luck
Dude you did not noticed book for exactly 11 minutes ;-; it was writted before you said you did not noticed it text that you added when editing
At least you went inside the house
I hate playing solo but at the same time I hate playing with my friends because all of them sit in the trailer and just "watch cameras for ghost orbs"