This Game was Completely Broken – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! This was one of the most broken games of Phasmophobia I have ever played. This was so funny. I really hope you enjoy this dumb game. Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.0.2


47 thoughts on “This Game was Completely Broken – Phasmophobia”

  1. I've become so freakin' addicted to Phasmo now and I think it's Insym's fault partially!! It's a curse because I'm too much of a coward to play alone, but my husband and I's schedules limit our play time… and boy I'm itching for it by the end of the week. Why is this game so addictive?! And STILL scary. D:

  2. Last night we had 3 mimics in 5 games. Twice i had to do the onryo test which I know because of your videos, and once, with a Willow's living room ghost, we were almost fooled my a mimic acting like an onryo (repeatedly blowing out all the candles and not using the crucifixes despite me being 0 sanity) but just as we were going to leave, it touched the glass doors and I went and checked, just to be sure and low and behold, there was a beautiful handprint!

    In another one it was acting like an onryo, blowing out the candles, but then it used the crucifixes and I knew it had to be the mimic!

    If I hadn't learnt that test from you, it would be so much harder to tell a mimic!

  3. Hey have you had any bugs in the game to where you're hiding and the ghost still tracks down and kills you and as you die your flashlight is on? Happened to mean a buddy yesterday both times we hide our flashlight was off but ghost made a line to us and kill us just for us to die when we dropped our flashlight and it was on but I know both of us it was off?

  4. Fingerprints need to show up on more surfaces. Walls, car windows in garages, the fuse box.

    I needed fingerprints to confirm a ghost on Tanglewood. It's frequently in the basement and garage as of late and there are very few spots to leave fingerprints in the basement. I just have to hope it starts roaming so I can get fingerprints.

  5. 1:03 PSA little tents are lethal now also bone
    2:18 big fat white ghost orb- oh wait thats a snowball
    2:56 Emf 5 from the truck board
    3:42 Emf reader does a cha cha slide
    4:22 Santa and Satan have the same letters
    5:28 Insym discovers the cooler is actually an ice rink
    6:02 Laughsym
    7:40 He answered your call with red light 1
    9:20 Blinkey and Freezing found with the thermo
    9:36 Cooler is cold
    10:06 He knows too much, Santa is the cooler cult leader, red light 2
    10:55 Hypothesis time, Insym believes the emf board is showing Twinteractions
    11:53 Candle Dance
    13:13 Airball and the Candle Quartet
    14:40 Rogue red light event number 3
    15:26 Voodoo doll found in a shed tent
    17:20 Twins confirmed: Spirit box growled Attack
    18:00 Vicious aint they
    18:24 Insym did NOT see him STANDING at the end of the CAMPFIRE
    18:58 His brother apparently needs a shower. In freezing cold weather could you imagine.
    21:34 Searching, then a scary hunt.
    24:29 Santa made fukin BEEEEAAANNNNSSS what the FUCK-
    25:20 Distant sleighbells
    26:40 Another cursed cooler
    29:40 Did- Did the ghost change his voice on the spiritbox?
    30:43 Triple boink fail
    31:55 Heart gets stabbed on the doll
    34:17 End results


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