This Ghost Can Do Something Insane! | Phasmophobia

In this video I show you key aspects of the ghost and let you decide what ghost it is! Part 3!

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13 thoughts on “This Ghost Can Do Something Insane! | Phasmophobia”

  1. Although it's good for content and I love it, from the youtube perspective it would be kinda fun if you didn't state anything ghost type related, just play a game where you just talk or interact with chat, but don't point out anything :p might not do as great Content wise but would be fun to watch and guess

  2. i promise, i aint cheatin, but thats a banshee bro, im typing this right after the scream, i was also thinking banshee after it was narrowed to 5 beacause it wasn't a raiju, obvious, it wasn't a thaye cuz it wasn't. It was prob not a yokai cuz no early hunting even while trying spirit box, and prob not yurei cuz no hunt til late in the game, which would be affected by sanity drain.

  3. Hey bush quick question. Does the Mimic have a certain time period where it mimics one ghost before changing to another? What causes it to change?

    Also imma guess banshee before I get to the end, it is way too stalky to be anything else

  4. Oh what, didn't think this was a guessing game, the previous ones were labeled, but i guess it's a fun thing to do in general, not telling anyone so they get a bit of the game as they watch.

  5. Was suspecting Banshee after the first ghost event being the singing one, and the subsequently getting it at least three times through the contract. Was thinking Thaye was also probable until it took you too long to get DOTS, and no ghost writing since the Thaye's meant to interact with those two much more often, and just ruled out with the average speed hunt. Obviously the scream sealed the deal. Fun vid to watch.


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