Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I found a ghost that did EVERYTHING. It did a ton of the NEW ghost events such as rocking the rocking chair and making the lights go red. This was also a perfect showcase of a new ghost type that I really like! I hope you enjoy, much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.1.2
12:45 i was able to hide there in profes mode lol
Insym once said: “We should take two pills to get a little bit higher.”
Sad is that, when Twins hunt there are not two ghosts :C
Me In Chat=“AbusedbySatanLmao Psychotic Laugh” I Regret That
A wheel chair being pushed would be an amazing ghost even though u kqur to prison or asylum.
Oooooooooo the should make it so you can answer the phone and a ghost event happens on the other end
The hiding spot at 12:25, I've used before and it was so clutch, because I heard my heartbeat so many times I'm surprised I survived. It was before the Halloween update and before the shelf was added as furniture to hide behind.
Behind that pole, you have to literally move around to break line of sight, otherwise you'd die from being spotted from the stairs when the ghost is facing towards you
Sheeeshhh what a ghost
How can you always outrun the ghosts, everytime I try it cactches me and I die no matter the ghost
The red light ghost event is really cool.
@7:17 lol you can do it without that bug if you arent holding the candle in your hand it wont go out
@13:18 its a hidying spot lol
1:55 what a clear and beautiful lightning sound
I do want to drop a comment about the twins and the slope trick. I was playing Tanglewood on intermediate, and it did it there, but the ghost was actually a demon. Always take a second to confirm before you assume!
Love the frequent uploads keep it up!
Does the ghost not sense flashlights and electronics through floors? In the hunt at ~14:30 his is on but the ghost goes a different way.
mil sugi?
I love tour vids, now i can play nightmare mode thanks for your tips and tricks
Whos the ghost girl in his intro in every video? Is that perhaps a person close to him that passed away?
Irgendwer deutsch hier? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qU6v9qnYOk
Finally he is asking is he friendly not French
WaS ThAt a tWiNtErAcTiOn oN ThE PhOnE?! – Insym 2021
Just use the door
Youtube: Products In The Video: Red Rocking Chair
one time when I was playing alone it was one match I was about to shit my pants and give up[ when I saw double event it went up to ten from eight downto eight right after and not even a second after its went to ten for a moment a second time and the sad part I clicked on twins in the ghost page not evidence it was twins and I got zero money.
This man huntin in The conjuring twins
Love the vids make more just no cuss words
I love how the ghost is called Carol