This ghost is FIRE! | Phasmophobia #shorts

If you tried the Apocalypse Draws Near Weekly Challenge, then you know the ghost hunting the moment we go in is not unexpected. And to be fair, we knew what this ghost was when we brought in that second crucifix. We only did it twice so we could get a clip of not everyone yelling out the answer. 🤣 Yes, even my teammates like to be right! But this ghost eagerly burns the crucifix. And then about 20 seconds later, he burns it again. So uh… what ghost is it? Well, if you know your ghost types, then you already know that time between crucifix burns is 25 seconds. Only one ghost does it outside of that – the demon. Demons have a larger range for the crucifix and can burn them faster than other ghosts.

Remember, gaming should be fun!

#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #shorts #phasmophobiaclips


16 thoughts on “This ghost is FIRE! | Phasmophobia #shorts”

  1. Definitely a Demon. My Demons have been super chill lately. A couple days ago, I had a Demon that literally never hunted until my sanity was at 20%. Never did any ghost events. I’d been thinking Shade, but it hunted at 1 minute 11 seconds after being smudged, so my mind was kinda broken lol. Dude forgot how to ghost. 😂


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