This Ghost is Stupid – Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find the dumbest ghost type in Phasmophobia! It’s especially fun on Willow Street House because you can look through the glass doors during the hunts. I really hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.5


26 thoughts on “This Ghost is Stupid – Phasmophobia”

  1. Hi Insym, I don't think you'll ever see this but I just want to tell you that over the past two months you have become one of my favourite streamers/youtubers. I love watching your videos while I relax in bed, I've been in the process of being diagnosed for a chronic condition for a while now and your videos always put a smile on my face despite the pain I'm in. Thank you so much and please keep up the amazing content ♥

  2. How would I describe this ghost's type? Well, let's just say this sweet soul is the nicest and well-mannered ghost in the game… then she wakes up.

    Giant story below, so lot of reading.

    The Yokai. In a house that has 8 ghosts in it, she wakes up in her creaky bed which is a size too small with a blanket that's too itchy, and immediately gets a small headache due to a genetic condition. Going down the hall, she can hear Obake in his room doing his shapeshifting practice imitating the others. She then goes into the one bathroom upstairs; she sees the athletic Raiju who is brushing his teeth. "Good morning" he says, and she says, "Hope it is a good morning." She tries to put a smile on her face as she brushes her hair in the mirror and gets her teeth brushed, only for Raiju to accidently knock the toothpaste off the counter. Bending down with a mouthful of mouthwash she hits her head on the sink, Raiju then bends down and gets the toothpaste. It's not gonna be a good day.

    In a bit of a tired stupor, she walks downstairs looking forward to a cup of coffee, then she steps on one of the Twin's toys on the 2nd to last stair and slips, landing on the banister rather painfully. Jinn and Raiju pick her up with concern but their wife and mother Demon snickers at her. "Miss Accident Prone is up hmhm" Demon says with no empathy as she eats her muffin. "I see you slept well… Hope the door doesn't catch your hair like it did mine yesterday" says Yokai as she stumbles into the kitchen in a bit of a down mood and sees the coffee isn't even done yet. Poltergeist who comes in from his bunk room starts opening the cabinets "Where is the bowls where is the bowls?" and begins leaving dishes on the counter. The clinking makes her head throb a bit so she asks, "Where have you seen your blue bowls last?" Polter then says "Found em up here!" and sees them on the top shelf and reaches to get them, but stumbles and three of the plates he left crash to the floor, Yokai's vision goes blurry with each smash as she covers her ears.

    In her office beside her bed, she is type type typing away on a project she is working on with Mimic for college. Surprisingly she types 4 whole pages in under 2 minutes. Raiju comes in her room and brings her favorite yellow cup with her cinnamon creamer. "Thank you so muchhhhh" she says as Raiju smiles back then goes back downstairs. Without realizing, she takes a sip of her coffee while watching a lecture from her professor, only to spit it all over her monitor because it was far too hot. Coughing up scalding hot coffee, she hurries and cleans her monitor off, but by the time she is done, the final part is over. Demon stands in her doorway laughing quietly… She comes in and helps her clean up. "I'll be glad when I find my own apartment, this place is nice but it is so packed Demon" Yokai says.

    One hour later, she is walking to Mare's house where her best friends Shade Goryo and Hantu are staying at. However, between the apartments and Mare's home is Myling Twins and Banshee's treehouse. Thinking to herself while staring at it "You would think Banshee being older than Myling, she wouldn't find treehouses interesting." She then sighs in discomfort "Oh God" as she sees the pair of rambunctious ghosts in the treehouse staring at her, smiles across their faces. "Crazy aren't they?" says a voice behind Yokai. Startled, she looks behind her at Phantom who came from nowhere. "Y-Yeah they are a bit noisy today…" Usually the ghosts inside the treehouse mean no ill intention, but Yokai's headaches make her distance themselves from them. The pair walk to the house ready for their book club.

    At the door, Yokai can hear Mare and Onryo arguing over which Harry Potter book is the best. Phantom says "They have been arguing this for a week, how are they still going?" Not looking forward to the loud debate, Yokai looks up at the sky, then sees Shade sitting on the roof with what looks like a five pound piece of cherry pie. Phantom walks into the house and says "Looks like you got a date, I'll be in here." Yokai then gets a big smile and climbs the tree beside the house and Shade helps her up. "How are the genies and the witch?" he says referring to the family of Jinn Raiju and Demon. Laughing she jokes "If I could get a few more dollars I would hire that Insym guy to get me out." The pair laughed as they ate pie. Hearing loud music, they see Oni and Yurei, the couple inside a street racer variant of a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Shade gets uncomfortable seeing his ex Oni with a hoodlum like Yurei, so he hides himself behind Yokai. Yurei yells out "Wanna hear what a real car sounds like!?" then revs the car as loud as he can.

    V I B R A T I O N P A I N S U F F E R I N G Yokai covers her ears but loses balance and slips off the roof, Shade is inconsolable…

    A few hours later she is dropped off at her apartment, a basket full of gifts the other ghosts left her apart from one. Shade holding her arm in great fear, she simply smiles and hugs him. She had been knocked out and taken to the hospital. Her head still throbbing, she opens the door and Shade helps her in. Demon comes out from behind the door. "Well well well, heard about your little accident." Shade doesn't say a word. Yokai simply sighs and says "I don't blame Yurei and Oni, they were just excited about their new car." Demon says "Maybe if Shade wasn't such a scaredy cat he would've helped you from falling." Yokai gets a little apprehensive "You can't blame him for this, he tried holding me but I fell off anyway, he is the one who brought me to the hospital and back!"

    Demon with her bad attitude begins to sour. "Maybe if you two weren't so stupid…"

    Stupid… Stupid… Stupid… Those two words resonated inside of Yokai's mind. Sick of the situation she lives in, sick of seeing Demon's face, sick of Shade's mistreatment, and sick of her own medical condition and pain. Yokai snaps. Sensing what would happen, Shade hides behind the porch pillar. What happens next would make even a church seem unholy. Yokai smashes the door onto Demon's arms, then she kicks it over and over breaking Demon's wrists and elbow. Jinn and Raiju try to calm her down but her anger doesn't let up. Demon then stands up and rushes her with a broken bottle, but Yokai kicks her full in the face. Stomping on her back, Yokai gets completely unhinged. "I HATE YOUUUUU" screamed into the night sky.

    Silence. Not a damn word.

    Demon had been left traumatized, Shade catatonic, Jinn and Raiju terrified. What happened was Yokai found within herself a level of anger and aggression that Demon could only dream of. This event happened months ago. This is the reason why Demon jumped Banshee and stole her power, just so she could have a chance of having the raw fury Yokai displayed. It is why Shade is so terrified of anyone he sees, fearing that they too could hurt someone. Evicted and possibly out of money from medical bills, Mare steps in and gives her a place to stay. Shade never leaves her side, scared of what might happen. The other ghosts in Mare's home keep a distance from her. Not even Phantom or Banshee have the bravery to see her. Spirit and Wraith only visit her on occasion.

    Lying in her bed with Shade kneeling beside her, Yokai only whimpers in extreme pain both mentally and physically. "I'm not stupid." All Shade can say is "I know you aren't." Then the front door opens. A few hunters. Flashlights in hand. From the other side of the house, she can hear one of the hunters whisper "Where is this stupid ghost?" Shade slips under her bed quietly. The monster would never go back to sleep tonight.

    Fear the Yokai.


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