👻 Phasmophobia Gameplay with Dark OB and @Camodo2nd where we enter a haunted house. This house has a ghost inside, and its up to us to use our tools to investigate clues and figure out which type of ghost it is. Will Dark OB and Camodo be able to correctly identify the ghost in Phasmophobia gameplay?
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About Phasmophobia Gameplay:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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#phasmophobia #darkob #beautifulob #roleplay #gameplay
keep up the good work Ob
i've been with your channel sence the beginning
save the bunny and the bear
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you camodo and spy are the best YouTubers i've seen
My notifications went off, and I saw this and was like, "Ima watch this."
I love you video's ob
You should mess with camodo with a stream deck or something cuz that last interaction really could’ve been something
Im watching this in my room alone in the dsrk lol
Ok that ending was hilarious! Loved it!!!!!
22:26 camodo: it a #### banshee😮
At 1:34 looks right at a gas radiator heater.
One day Camodo will give OB his kiss, Camodo is shy.
On comodo said frigging not F***
12:39 the best thing i heard all day
And this is sad 5:44. Are you talking into the emf?!!? It has spread and is now contagious 😮
I never heard comodo swear 22:24
Hey OB if you didn’t know banshees can whisper as meany times in the parabolic before screaming. because some one got 7 whispers and then it screamed after.
Can confirm, the weather here in my neck of Texas has been bouncing from low 90s to mid 70s.
But, I’m excited for Spring. Seeing plants and trees bloom as it warms up is always uplifting.
…I’m an old man at heart, don’t mind me.
I love you ob
Hi ob!
The avarage ghost (spirit for example)
Will start at 1.2 m/s and when it gets sight of you it will slowly speed up to 2.27 m/s
And will take about 2 minutes to slow back down
Also camodo at 22:24 he said freaking but it still apparently sounded like…… You know
That was funny
❤you ob!!
I was waiting for this but I went snowboarding so I wasn’t early 😢
Love you OB
Comodo😢 don’t curse
U should have at least 1 their 2 motion detector because there more accurate
OB really wanted his kisses😂
I loved it
i always thought of camodo to be the type to cuss irl, but not on camera. dang that was weird and unexpected as could be hearing that, i literally reacted the same way you did. even though i dont think he actually cussed. 22:25 🤣
For some reason I like when family friendly creaters swear
Always a good day when there is a new phasmo
First time comodo say swear word is so funny btw keep up good work ob ❤❤❤
Hi ob i am the closeset time to a live vidove
Ooooooo comdomo said a bad word :000 😂
Ooooooo comodo cussed
super cool video hahah! as far as I know, the T3 Motion Detectors intentionally ignore the player so there is no miscommunication if it was a player or ghost. They also point towards the direction of the ghost when they detect it.
I've never heard camodo rage like that. For me that's a first.
Camodo 2 and dark ob Pg13ners in the making
Awesome as always 👍👍…that ending between you both was hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣
Camodo cursed I have never thought he would say that