This Ghost Messed Up EVERYTHING We Know About in Phasmophobia Multiplayer! Today me and @DarkmodeOB are back ghost hunting in the new lighting update.
Follow me! @CamodoGaming
More Prop hunt
Maybe emf glitch
It's provided foy-yay
CAMODO: the black salt will make the ghost flower when it hunts
nice video
Tarot cards use them please
Under 2min team
Hi Camodo The bunny I have the same one but is name is noonoo and can you please call the bunny noonoo
Shade is also 3:00
OMG No Way Game.
Yes go get them Cat Pictures.
so Ive been watching this game for a long while and sometimes the ghost just doesn't act how it should, Ive seen Shades that were MORE active than yours, Polters that don't throw a single thing
the only good thing is that these "outliers" are normally few and far between.
Has anyone else noticed that science on has been getting the stuffed animals they have been failing curse of the stuffed 🧸 🐇
Hey man you get it from time to time, sometimes the ghosts behave slightly different than you'd expect
Its a great day when camodo uploads a phasmophobia video
my sister and brother got that game
A purrfect game 11:56
Comodo you make the best videos in the world better than Mrs beast’s videos on YouTube
3 min gang
Camoto will you please play fay cry six
They’re first spirit in 50 years nice!