Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we find a ghost that REALLY needs a buff. This ghost was changed recently and now it doesn’t have ANY strength anymore. It’s just a really weak ghost, which isn’t necessarily a problem but it’s pretty weird since it used to be a strong ghost. They basically just took away its strength and gave it nothing in return. What do you think? I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.1.2
Man, I feel bad for the user Shee in every Phasmo players' Twitch chat. Forevered banned.
u are a legend bro!
Could be a bit better if it selected a random target to focus on every time it hunts, rather than 1 person the whole mission.
Me and my friends for some reason thought the banshee teleported within 3 meters of the person it was targeting to start hunting and I think that would be a good buff
My thought on a banshee rework. Banshees will “follow” their target but stay some distance away (like a cat preying upon a mouse, they stay back and be quiet until they attack) especially in bigger maps, if the banshee is in sight of it’s target, it will speed up (like a revenant). Maybe change ghost rooms if the target is in another room more than the original ghost room, and/or have the paramic noise, but it be more of a wail/cry (like the Irish folklore of the banshee). And for hunts, it could have quieter steps near said target (all people can hear the difference) as if to sneak up on the target. I like the idea of bringing back the early hunting, but only if the original target is in the building/nearby. For a weakness though I’d still say the being near crucifix, it is less active, unless the target is nearby for more constant interactions, ghosts events, possibilities to hunt. “Strength: ability to speed up when near a target/hears target. Weakness: it tends to be more active on the paramic” (just really an idea I had thought of, really hoping for a good rework of the banshee)
Banshee rework idea:
If they don't want to bring back its ability to hunt above 50, I think "its singing" should be able to drain sanity faster.
I think it would also be a really cool mechanic that players have "audio hallucinations": as in players will hear noises around them like door being touched/opening, objects falling, windows being knocked on, when the ghost isn't doing anything.
It could also in a multiplayer game, try to lure away the player it wants to hunt by making special audio sounds only they could hear.
Would force players to stick together and create confusion as to if someone is hearing things right or not, and in nightmare mode, forcing people to stick together would quickly turn into a 4 kill hunt.
A really strong strength for the banshee could also be during a hunt: The players hear the ghost from a random direction that isn't the direction it's actually coming from. You hear it far away or behind you, but it's actually coming right at you.
Seeing how Banshee are all about sounds, I definitely think they would be the perfect ghost to test out auditionary hallucinations mechanics, and I would love to see it. ♥
what if, after a singing ghost event, the banshee has a chance to start a hunt. it would be very fitting to the irish legend of the banshee
Banshee should target and stalk a player from the moment they walk in the front door, making it very difficult to find the ghost room. They could start hunts very close to the target player. Also, audio clues like the shriek ghost event and using the paramic should drain significantly more sanity.
could be cool that when it does the scream (even if you dont have paramic to hear it) your ability to hear gets reduced by a couple of meters
They could give back the banshee knowing where you are hiding at the beginning of a hunt if you are the target.
I want the banshee to have a stalkerish thing we're it doesn't have a true ghost room and the banshee because it constantly follows you has an ability to make it harder to find its evidence.
Tbh the banshee ability should be transferred to the yurei as they have been known to stalk their prey and not care about anything else
The banshee should get a much higher hunting threshold when its target is alone in the ghost room, like 65 or 70. Make it shade-like when others are around, but oni-like when the target is alone.
As for the 'only hunts one person' mechanic, if a non-target touches a banshee during a hunt they should lose all their sanity.
Well based on the Banshee's Celtic lore (idk how tricky this would be to code) they could have that the paramic is needed to hear the banshee scream for everyone BUT the target. Because in the irl lore it states "folklore whose mournful “keening,” or wailing screaming or lamentation, at night was believed to foretell the death of a member of the family of the person who heard the spirit."
They could also have it where if you hear the scream (paramic or target sound if they go that route) your sanity is immediately dropped to 0% no matter where it is and starts a hunt the second the scream is finished. Like I don't want the ghost too "strong" or easy to identify when you're in a party…..but at the same time I want the ghost to have that fear factor in it so that no matter how long you've been playing just hearing that scream would scare the ever living hell out of you. (due to randomness)
have the banshee trigger off of both the paramic and the spirit box. it dose not answer questions but lets out a terrifying scream. congrats you have found a banshee but now it gets to auto hunt at full speed starting. Dial up how often it will wail and this just got very real . Not just that but this would turn the ghost into a terrifying ambush master, in nightmare mode this would especially be terrifying. (as a side note, a banshee wail was supposed to signify someone was going to die soon… this would be a great use of that folk lore.)
maybe the ghost can always go towards your exact location for the first like 15 seconds/half of the hunt so if you're hiding in the basement lockers and the ghost is upstairs, for either the first half of the hunt or 10 seconds (whichever the devs do if they use this idea), the ghost will be booking it towards you, even if you're moving it will be going towards you, that way you can't just hide at the start of the hunt, instead you have to lure it away then hide that way this ghost can stay as one of the more powerful ghosts
I would make Banshee be able to hunt anyone, and getting as fast as a revenant while chasing their target. Also some early hunting stuff could be cool, like hunting earlier if the target is below 60% sanity no matter the other's
maybe they should let the banshee be able to switch target after every hunt so its not always clear who its going to go for. Or maybe when the targetted person uses a smudge itll loose interest and target someone else .And please at least make the scream more loud and common on the paramic.
The banshee is known for its wail so why can't we have something like that? Maybe the ghost event with the hissing sound could be more common and drain more sanity from the targeted player, helping it to hunt faster.
I was watching ghost game
I just wandering if I was exe it would be different but same thing
But I'm not
For the banshee as it's main thing is screaming and singing. I would make the singing ghosts events more frequent and that they damages sanity more than usual ghost events. The paramic scream as it is her defining feature you could make it to lower sanity a bit if no player hears it, and lower sanity a lot with a chance of a hunt if a player hears it. If you want even more you could make the scream work without a paramic but with low probability and making the player that hears it the target of a hunt. This way you return the ability to early hunt and make her more dangerous by damaging players sanity also if a player is only the target in a scream hunt she retains her signature strenght but without making her too predictable in normal hunts.
Potential Banshee strength: The Banshee will always know the location of its target during a hunt. (It won't speed up without line of sight but you can't hide either.)
Maybe this is a little too OP on small maps.
they need to xhange its strength to: "The banshee's hypnotic song makes people's sway or dance. They move slower the more they are nearer to the banshee. The banshee also is more sensitive to noise and gets annoyed anything interupting its singing"
I think the Banshee can be made pretty interesting by focusing in on its singing and player targeting abilities with a few tweaks. Honestly have no idea how strong this would make the Banshee, but I think it's worth a shot.
Proposed changes:
The Banshee's current weakness to the Crucifix (increased Crucifix radius) is moved to the Demon.
The Banshee picks a "target" from among players present at game start (front door unlock). Target suspension and switching rules remain unchanged.
The "singing" sound-effect that can be heard over the Parabolic mic is now the "tell" of the Banshee's special ability, which lowers the sanity of all players within a large radius (e.g. 7 meters) of the Banshee by 7~12%, with the exception of the target, who is affected anywhere on the playing field. Frequency of this ability is adjusted to be in line with other ghost abilities.
The Banshee will not use its singing ability if it is in range of a Crucifix.
The Banshee hunts based on the target's sanity, not the team's average sanity.
The Banshee will opportunistically kill non-target players it comes into contact with, and will chase them if it does not currently have information about the target.
The Banshee learns the current location of the target at the start of each hunt (at the end of the grace period).
bro the intro just doesn’t get old. like, nothing can get it out of my head and that’s okay with me
Really good day to start a weekend with insym video
My dad used to tell me spooky stories about Banshees when I was kid, how hearing the wail of a Banshee would mean certain death in the near future (imagine hearing this as a nine year old boy about to go to sleep, hearing coyotes yipping and vixens screaming out in the nearby forest). That said, and maybe those tales have coloured my personal opinions on the subject, but I do think Banshees should be up there in Phasmo with Demons and maybe even Raijuu in terms of being terrifying. I think Phasmo Banshees should still have "tunnel vision" on a single person, but obviously will still kill anyone if they're literally standing on top of the ghost during a hunt, lol. As for their hidden ability? Maybe the Banshee's fear of the crucifix is based on how many players are in the game and still alive. All four still alive? The crucifix works as it does against the current Banshee. Only one person alive (or you're playing a solo game)? The Banshee gives zero Fs about your crucifix unless it's literally in your hand and the ghost is very close to you when it decides to hunt. I dunno. I'm not a game designer, and I'm not even good at this game, lol. Just some random thoughts.
Banshee was perfect before, and was the ghost that terrified me the most before the rework. Hilarious when you see it actually kill one of its targets though!
If I were to redo the Banshee, I would speed it up by 15% and make it that their target can't sprint during a hunt. I would also give it a higher chance of hunting immediately following a ghost event
The Banshee should hunt based on individual sanity(rather than team average), and always hunt the lowest sanity player, maybe at slightly higher than 50% sanity. That would make it unique, dangerous and also unpredictable when you don't have enough evidence to suspect banshee.
I almost exclusively play with friends, so we still love the banshee. 3 of us get to have no fear haha
I have an idea for the Banshee rework. First of all, it should keep it's target one person ability and once it killed that player (or it leaves the game), it changes target. However, the ghost will ALWAYS know the location of that player, meaning that player cannot hide at all. Also, the banshee can also decide to chase another player if they are closer on their line of sight as well as killing them (basically it acts like a normal ghost). Once that player escaped or died, the ghost chases it's target player again.
To keep things balanced, the banshee will have a few new weaknesses; It will speed up much slower than other ghosts (althought it's base speed is still faster than a player when walking) Also, when smudged during a hunt, it can no longer detect the target player for 5 seconds after the immunity timer from the smudge stick has ended. With that, it should also keep it's original weaknesses (Increased range from crucifix + Unique parabolic microphone sounds).
The overall power of the banshee would depend of the amount of players and the map. A map that's easy to loop the ghost with a group of players with enough smudge sticks makes this ghost relatively easy, while playing in singleplayer makes this ghost a threat, as running into a single dead end without any smudge sticks will result into death.
TL;DR – The Banshee will turn hunts from being a hide and seek game to a tag game.
honestly i can think of 1 ability that makes the banshee instantly better
just give the banshee a speed bonus when it sees its target. maybe 50% speedier?
I feel like the ghost should actively interact with one person throughout the entire investigation, basically be hyper aggressive targeting many of its ghost events on the person and has a hidden ability to roam to the target much more frequently than a phantom or wraith teleport. Which can compliment the extended crucifix range where a player can guide the ghost to a crucifix to do a facilitated “banshee test”
Hello sorry I was late I think it’s a great video
I think the Banshee's strength should be something like being able to start a hunt more often unless it's chosen target is in the building.