This is a good addition to the game, been a while since I actually felt scared from this game! The new ghost looks pretty scary too! Remember to check the Discord to learn more about the event!
Neng’s Channel!:
Kengkue’s Channel!:
All ghost time counts for all the peeps out there
Please like so peeps can see! 😀
Hunting : 9:33
Some guy dies : 9:45
It was a Shade
Ghost kid in class 18:02
Ghost kid runs but doesn’t hunt 23:20
Random guy screams for no reason 24:32
It hunts 25:16
Filosofy dies 25:21
Filosofy does the dab when his died 26:14
Ghost kid spawns in for a second then disappears 29:14
It was a Oni
The end please like so more peeps can see
What's next? A ghost that's floating that can be seen clearly without a flashlight that's floating and twitching violently?
No wait don't give them any more ideas
I can't find any comment helping you, so i'll say it. Parabolic microphone detects sounds in a large area in front of you. It's broad sweeping function is especially helpful on larger maps, but be aware that it can be somewhat buggy and may give false positives.
Dirty sink at the bathroom
The pajama ghost crawling on the cieling would be the most scary.😲
Dirty sink eksdeee
the fact he wasn't saying the ghost name was weird i thought it only responds to its name and then questions after
When the ghost manifests you can go up to it and check for EMF reading. It should give EMF4 or higher depending.
Omg I thought you were the ghost of Juon hahaha.
Your voices are a bit quiet compared to the volume level.
Bro there was no ghost orb at all whatttttt
Gotta say the name
Dude that’s sooo creepy it’s like the exorcist
9:42 Nice butt! (⌐◪益◪)>
U have grown so much is the pass weeks, I sub when 4k now 12k dang keep up the work and content
Oh shit a rat! 9:37
you know what would be scary to this game, if ghosts can peak from corners
I wish that seeing the full body apparition of the ghost was more rare. Imagine if you just saw a hand or the eyes or the legs
This is AWESOME!
That new update of the crawling ghost is Fantastic! and scary! XD
Also I hope this doesn't sound creepy Lol …. But your voice is very soothing😊😊
Wait so you can get this ghost like the one that crawls?
Is it Phil-aws-so-phi or pronounced like philosophy?
Whats Name Crawling Ghost Is It
I was playing with the bois I met in phasmo, and the braver-than-I lady, the crawler was lightning McQueen just kerchooing from the living room to the babies room in 3 seconds, I sat there crying until the ghost killed me and everyone laughed at my pain. Shit be like;
S E V E N. D A Y S.
profuse gurgling
It seems like Sadako, maybe
you are amazing lol
Ok Filosofy send me your pay pal and I will send you ten bucks for a new smoke detector battery. Its literally driving me nuts.
The voice box said nothing detected and he kept trying it annoyed me so much
Someone needs to change their fucking smoke alarm batteries. I can't watch these videos without freaking out all the animals in my house.
Iwant this movie
The New Halloween Ghost is an Vengeful Spirit
Damn seeing this makes me want to play. But wait i can't play alone 🙁
2:28 whi noticed he said luigin board
I really enjoy watching yall play, you guys make it a little less terrifying
Not a gamer, but this looks cool!