This High School Ghost was a NIGHTMARE – Phasmophobia [LVL 5803]

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! Today we encounter a super difficult High School Ghost! This guy had such a large ghost room that it was really hard to get any evidence. This game was also a great tutorial for how to deal with large maps, especially when finding the ghost room! I hope it was helpful and interesting! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.0


31 thoughts on “This High School Ghost was a NIGHTMARE – Phasmophobia [LVL 5803]”

  1. Wraith will walk through walls. You can detect a wraith with salt and no UV if you go to the room next to the ghost room and line salt along the wall with a salt in the doorway. If the salt behind the wall gets disturbed but the salt in the doorway is fine you know that it must have been a wraith roaming through the wall

  2. the ghosts for us lately have been extremely weird. like the farm house without the attic for instance. the 2 bedrooms with the tiny room between them on the right side of the house when you walk in? i got spirit box in the right room and nothing else. all 3 rooms were around 40f kept walking from the left room to the small closet in the center. had a book at some point in each room and never wrote in it. randomly after like 20 minutes it finally wrote in the book in the small closet between the rooms. also kept manifesting in the left room.

    for highschool it manifested INSTANTLY after ringing a nearby phone and i walked in. but never got any evidence from that room after it showed its self several times. checked the next room over and it rang that phone. then it decided to mess with a third room that was 2 rooms down from the very first room. the only reason i got the ghost right? because i could only ever see the dots on camera in the second room.

    we've never had ghosts bounce between 3 different rooms give almost no evidence between them for a solid 20-30 minutes before

  3. had a cafeteria ghost with my friends a few days ago, i went in alone to look for the board and it was making so many sounds i swore it was in that room. it hunted before we were sure so i died, followed by another friend, followed by another friend. she was so active, throwing things every minute and chain hunting us before we could get our evidence materials to the right spot. was a nightmare indeed.

  4. I already had a cafeteria ghost in HS as well.. but NGL it's not really hard for me that time. But it's a case-to-case basis, it can be your easiest or hardest game in large rooms like this. You can have a super active, aggressive hunting ghost or a textbook Shade ghost 😂

  5. the first time me and my friends ever played highschool we (probably) got a cafeteria ghost, but we couldn't find any evidence, it was so difficult, we were there for over an one and a half hour and we couldn' find the ghost room, but every time we got to the second half of cafeteria it started a hunt (but we never died)…we tried to move all the things to the upper hallway, nothing…to the science rooms above, nothing…we even tried the basketball court and still no evidence :T we gave up after we consumed all the pills and our sanity was on 0% without even finding the ghost room so we just guessed the ghost and left xD it was so frustrating

  6. I once had a really difficult ghost on High School. We tracked cold temps and some ghost events at the top of a staircase and thought it was in the chapel area upstairs. It hunted and killed a teammate upstairs and then continued to roam between the chapel room and a classroom. It then suddenly started chain hunting over and over and over some starting upstairs and some downstairs. After around 5 chain hunts and on my way out, it touched the door to the library right next to the entrance. As it would turn out that was the ghost room and it was a Mare.

  7. Just played the school for the first time on professional, what a nightmare. The ghost killed 2 of the 4 players before we even found the ghost room or dropped down any evidence equipment, it was on the 2nd floor beside the south lecture hall. Practically nowhere to hide on the approach.
    For an hour long game, every hunt was 1 full minute and it would always hunt as soon as its 25 second cooldown was over. Always regular movement speed.
    The two dead players had the important detection equipment (EMF, thermometers) and their bodies were spread apart far from the entrance, making recovery hard.
    All smudges had been used trying to evade the ghost during hunts, and the game devolved into me trying to bring a candelabra + crucifix + lighter into the ghost room while wearing the tier 2 helmet camera for visibility, moving 2 classrooms at a time between hunts while the other person directed me around the map from the truck via radio because I couldn't see a darn thing 3 feet in front of me.

    Worst part is it was a mimic that was just always choosing to mimic regular speed ghosts. For an hour.


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