I tested if the ghosts can see you in prison cells and through windows in Phasmophobia. I also checked if they can kill you through the prison bars.

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44 thoughts on “THIS is HOW GHOSTS REACT to PRISON CELLS and WINDOWS in Phasmophobia”

  1. HA thanks for looking into this. really. i will no longer resort to running around like headless chicken in these areas. 😭

    ive got teammates who died one after another in the lightswitch i was very paranoid of hiding in cell blocks area and ALWAYS resort to running.

  2. My friend and I tested this during the beta for the Prison and found that the ghost prefers players that were not in a cell, even if the player in the cell was much closer. But would still sometimes kill the person in the cell. Not sure if it was just the early version being buggy but the ghost did try or get confused about the cells. Another example was the upstairs cells, the ghost would see me at the stairs and my friend would be in a cell right before them and the ghost would slow down a lot. Probably confusing the AI because it could see my friend for split seconds

  3. i've actually felt on my own skin that they can see you through prison bars and i almost shit my pants on my own livestream

    Ps. I was behind ones that are with exit on basketball field

  4. If I did this shit I'm sure the ghost would just walk through the wall and kill me. 😂😂

    The only problem is how fundamentally broken the ghosts actually are. In most hunts, I'm hiding perfectly within multiple rooms behind a couple closed doors and the ghost just walks through the wall and kills me despite never even seeing me first.

  5. In the hallway with prison bars, where the ghost can see you through the bars, does shutting the door break LoS? Me and my friend tested it one time because we wanted to know if they can see you through bars (THANKS for the video! XD) and it seemed to work with that door?

  6. The prison one isn't right! i was hiding in a cell, door shut and everything and it still came in the cell and killed me. I was crouched in the back corner the same side as the door. and it just came straight in and neck snapped. >_< I was like What the hell man! even though someone else was in a cell near me aswell, but the ghostie went straight for me! must of been a wraith? maybe?

  7. My friends and I haven't had a ghost in a cell block in a while but we did immediately found out a ghost type by how i died in the medical area. It was a cell door by the infirmary and as we were leaving the area during the start of a hunt. a wraith took a 'short cut' through the cell door and killed me instantly while we were together and passing through the door. This is still great info though

  8. Haven’t watched the video yet but my friend died when he was peaking through the windows during a hunt. The windows I’m talking about are the ones outside the Rideview House. So not this location.

  9. It's sad to see people bagging on the developer saying things like, "he needs to get his head out of his ass and hire more people" I get that it would be better to have a team but it's his game and he wants to make it how it is. At most we can do right now is respect his wishes and be patient. You can clearly see how the YandereDev situation has made people loose a lot of trust in independent developers.


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