This is exactly how old people should walk down stairs… nice and slow. Especially if they’re carrying a huge sickle in one hand. I mean… I’d walk down stairs nice and slow if I had a large, sharp weapon in one hand too!
Also, check out the last time someone will accidentally light my smudge stick on fire while holding a candle or lighter. Today’s patch fixed this (supposedly – I haven’t checked it yet). It’s a nice quality of life change because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost a smudge stick to someone’s wandering candle flame. It’s a lot in case you’re wondering. A whole lot.
Either way, this deogen is taking it’s sweet time coming down the stairs. It took her so long, that she only just made it down the stairs before the hunt ended. And Shane was worried we were in a bad spot! 🤣
Remember, gaming should be fun!
#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame
She's scared
she probably died from smoking.
Good new patch then!
I think that ghost wanted to be a model .
You can tell it is an old ghost because it slows down when it goes down stairs