THIS is How You Get FOOTPRINTS in Phasmophobia WITHOUT Wasting Salt

I tested to figure out the best way to get UV-Light footprints in Phasmophobia. This video will show you how you can avoid wasting all of your salt and help you to get footprints in the most efficient way. BTW footprints are not the same as fingerprints!

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26 thoughts on “THIS is How You Get FOOTPRINTS in Phasmophobia WITHOUT Wasting Salt”

  1. So I tested the hell out of footstep PHOTOS.
    The green footprints mean nothing to the photo, its only the disturbed salt that matters.
    The photos are buggy as hell unless you're upstairs in one of the farmhouses, then you can really reliably get the photo. Anywhere else its almost impossible, but i haven't tested asylum yet, because i hate that map, but I'll get to it.
    Dont have any other photo evidence you've already taken in the frame when you take the photo. So if you've taken a photo of fingerprints on a door and then try to take a photo of disturbed salt and that door is in the shot, the game thinks you're trying to take the fingerprint photo again and doesn't score the footprint.
    For best results, take the photo straight down and crouch to get closer (in non-VR, i haven't done VR tests).
    There's no time limit on taking the photo. I've watched a ghost step in salt, waited 10 minutes then taken the photo and it still counts.
    Try to avoid placing your salt on rugs or other floor coverings if you know you're going to want the photos for your journal. Obviously this depends on where the ghost walks, unless of course you get it to walk towards you in a manifestation event.

  2. Dude usually I have no problem getting footprints, but getting photos of the footprints. Sometimes I'll not get the photo even though the footprints are clearly visible on the ground with the UV light, sometimes the photo will count even though the ghost has just stepped on the salt, hasn't made any stepping noise and there's no footprints to be seen anywhere.
    If anyone knows a consistent way of getting footprint photos, please let me know, because I'm just avoiding it completely at this point to not waste my photos

  3. How do you actually get a picture of footprints. Every time I try to take a photo of them I get nothing in the journal for the photo. Is it just buggy? What is the best way to score footprint pic everytime?

  4. The salt didnt stop the Wraith hunt, but it looked like it didn't walk any further than where the salt was placed. Do you think that was just luck of funny pathing? or the salt keeping it from going further?

  5. So funny story :

    We needed a spiritbox and it still didn't answer. So we wanted to leave after some time and I was still standing at the door with the spiritbox. I decided to try it once agian. Keep in mind that I already stood outside. The spirit answered with "behinde". I think I never ran like that in a video game screaming "spiritbox"

  6. Question. What “toxic reaction” does the wraith have to salt if not for stopping a hunt? Is it just a ghost without weakness or does it have the effect of a non hunt smudge stick? Kinda like if it stepped in salt while idle it wouldnt hunt for a little? Just confused on that “toxic reaction” crap haha.

  7. is this a thing? im convinced it is, so you hear a footstep go stand where you think you heard it and ghost seems to change position you hear the footsteps again in another location inside the room, am i moving the ghost? or? seems like it


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