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Ah-kade-an! It's so obvious!
They started talking about pain thresholds and the first thing that popped into my mind is when I twisted my leg completely backwards falling off a couch. Stupidest way to break a bone but it's an amazing story lol
The whole thing with the names pronunciation was pretty annoying because all of these people spell their names weird or wrongly and expect people to pronounce them properly. In no world would Akadain be pronounced Akadian. Just saying… I'm happy to see more Phasmophobia streams, though. I love watching Wade play.
I remember once when i was at work, unloading the stock delivery off of the delivery truck at a hardware store. My shift ended and i was finishing up, and a bundle of 8 foot lengths of rebar that hadn't been put away fell and slammed right into my forehead. I yelled out in pain of course, but turned to leave muttering curses when my boss saw me and immediately freaked out and told me to go sit down real fast. so, i reached up and realized the rebar had gashed my head open because my hand was just covered in blood, and looking down i was just leaving a trail of blood that somehow i hadn't even noticed. boss had called paramedics to check me out and bandaged me up and made sure i wasn't concussed, but honestly i didn't feel anything. i was just freaked out once i realized there was just blood splattered all over from my head.
Pain ? mh. i made both of my lip piercings ( snakebites ) myself.
teeth implants ? bad or good ?
Why does it matter how he pronounces your name as long as you know who he means when he says it. Stop being so butt hurt people its just a name.
It's pronounced "Ack-Uh-Dain" because they don't know how to spell.
How original. Wade playing the same game he played 4 months ago. Clear he doesnt give a shit about his community anymore. Maybe that's why he puts them on blast when they have different political beliefs. So glad the original content is flowing. Keep degrading your viewers its great
Only reason people know you is because of mark and you shit talk us. Its great
After I had appendicitis 5 years ago, anything that happens to me just doesn’t hurt as bad as it probably should. Nothing could be worse then what i had felt back then. I still have anniversary nightmares from it.
even horror games with friends and ghosts and monsters
Warning for people, a lot of injuries are discussed in this episode
I want and played this in VR and it was the worst decision I ever made!
With english speakers it's so much difficulty try NOT to say vowels independently and replacing written consonants with others with randomly added H.
Name: Kati [KA-ti]
English/Wrong: [Kh-eyy-DEE]
Correct: [KAH-Tee]
Also, when it's T, it's T. Not D.
What's your favorite episode of Phasmophobia, Timmy?
I like the one where the mods went to Burgerking and Wade mispronounced names for a LOOOOOONG time.
"You're bald"
Dealt with spectacularly Wade
If anyone feels bad about how they rreated their body in their life, let me tell you about my dad and make you feel better.
He had pnemonia, of all kinds, about 15-25 times in his life.I
He got broadsided by a car, sent 30 feet, skidded 10-15 on his head and neck, and was released a week later. It would have been the next day, but he was throwing up, which they found out later was his brain swelling, which would have killed him if his skull wasn't fractured all over the place.
He fell into a ditch onto some broken pipe, slashing his arm from wrist to elbow down to the bone and almost severing the tendons to his fingers. The doctor was convinced, even after he repaired it, that he should have amputated, and that it'd never be usable again. Hee was wrong.
He's immune to or resistant to most painkillers, and penicilin to boot. Even if doctors can get him out, they either have to mix drugs and ramp up doses to keep him near-comatose, or risk him waking up during surgery swinging and throwing doctors around (which he has, multiple times)
He got run over by a carnival heycart and an industrial one loaded about 30 bales tall. They both rolled onto his leg and up his chest, but the carnival ride realised he fell off and backed up, and adrenaline kicked in and he pushed the wheel so it went over his head.
He had a botched lower back surgery from a senile doctor, one where everyoe else was either crippled or committed suicide. He's also had knee surgery in both knees, one of which is missing two of three tendons, a hernia surgery that he found out was a month before it killed him, and a neck surgery that broke, fused, and put plates on most of the vertebrae of his neck. During that surgery, several bone-spurs from his spine had his esophagus wrapped around them, and they punctured it while they were fixing things.
Every bone in his body's been broken, usually while working on a basement or roof, and he no-longer has knuckles in his hands or feet, you're able to pull his fingers about an inch out of the socket, but his grip's as strong as ever. He popped the gel sacks in his spine flipping mattresses, and had 2 vertebrae removed.
To top it all off, several years ago, after the spinal op as a teen, he was a n amatuer powerlifter in highschool. After the vertebrae removal and a couple years on several pain meds that make morphine look like Fun Dip, he knew the drugs weren't dulling his pain anymore, just dulling his brain, he quit all of them cold turkey. The stress made him lose all the hair on his body, and it came back years later patchy, gey, white, and clear, but he never went back to pain medication (other than post-op).
I think Wade is giving the stream too much attention and I can't figure out why he keeps talking when he is being hunted