This is the Most Frustrating Thing in Phasmophobia

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! We’ve all had this happen… A failed ghost photo where you CLEARLY got the ghost in the picture is one of the most frustrating things in Phasmophobia. They have recently improved this a lot but it definitely still happens sometimes. What is your most frustrating thing in Phasmophobia? Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.1.1


39 thoughts on “This is the Most Frustrating Thing in Phasmophobia”

  1. There absolutely needs to be a grace period added to photos. Something like 1 second after the event ends (be it a ghost appearance, or fingerprints on a surface, etc), photos taken will still count. This completely fixes this issue, without any downside. I can't even keep count of the number of times I've taken a photo of the ghost, only for it to not count because the ghost vanished like 1 millisecond before I clicked. It's so dumb…

    Alternatively, add a new equipment device that projects forward over some size of area, and causes anything it passes over to persist for some period of time so that photos can be ensured. Could have the size of the area, as well as the duration it forces persistence, be traits that upgrade with the future upgrade system too.

  2. Nah the most frustrating thing is trying to pick up the bloody headcam in VR.
    Or the game slowing you down enough if you look up or downstairs in VR that the ghost catches you…

  3. it's extra frustrating because, for a lot of players, getting a ghost photo is risky. If you get bad rng and don't get a ghost event, your only choice for a ghost photo is a hunt, so you're risking dying and losing your equipment. for it to then not work is so, deeply irritating.

  4. The recent update went a long way to fix my largest frustration in Phasmo, which was how absurdly rare ghost events had become. Ghost events are so important to the spooky factor of the game and ultimately the fun. I'm glad the devs finally addressed that.

  5. Surely CJ saw it, perhaps he can take a closer look for you to fix it on next patch/hotfix.
    Well on the image it looks like you are in motion or that "elbow" is even faster in motion to make it hard to tell this is a ghost than an actual human. 😀

  6. The fact that Phasmophobia at it's worst is still an enjoyable experience (and fun if your humor is up there) speaks volume how much the devs cared about the game. Easily one of the best early access games.


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