This is the MOST IMPORTANT Thing to Know in Phasmophobia's New Update

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about identifying ghosts without evidencel. This can be an incredible powerful tool in so many situations. It will allow you to figure out all those annoying ghosts that don’t want to give their last evidence. And it makes you feel like a genius. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9


31 thoughts on “This is the MOST IMPORTANT Thing to Know in Phasmophobia's New Update”

  1. On this week's challenge (at the prison) we had a Deo, I got lost and ended up cornered watching the Deo slowly plod to me
    Slowly seeing my impending death 😂

  2. To speak to the extreme random things that can happen in no evidence, i was doing runs earlier, i entered the house, breaker, found room, left, came through the front door for the ghost to hunt at 91% sanity. I immediately left and yes, it was a demon

  3. @Insym can you do a New Ghost Guide, where you show every Ghost in a single Video?

    I know, that its lot of Work, but for beginners you can watch the Video to the specific Ghost, where you have questions to. ♡

    I Love your Videos😊
    I'm still waiting for the Console Release, becaus i dont have an Computer 🙈

  4. With Yurei me and my mate smudged the ghost room and so many orbs spawned, I'm talking like 15-20 it was crazy, so, maybe that's an ability? It happened twice?

  5. Heya Insym! I think this week has a really unique and difficult challenge that no one has talked about yet:
    The 50 3-star footprint photos.

    I focused on grinding those out and I think that it may be one of the most annoying and time-consuming challenges the game has ever provided. I imagine that the developers are eventually going to tweak or remove it because it's really not worth it the way it is now. Basically, because only UV ghosts leave footprints now and they leave them less consistently, and the footprints vanish quickly, it's actually really hard to get all 50.

    I imagine almost everyone who plays Phasmo isn't going to complete it. It's objectively awful. You should give it a shot- figuring out how to do it optimally may be a fun video!

  6. When you ask the devs about the shade model can you also ask them to make it so that you can still turn the flashlight on & off using the special button even when you're holding it, please and thank you.

    It sucks when you're panicking trying to hide during a hunt and not being able to turn your flashlight off just because you're holding it.

  7. Do you think that the developers will ever put in closed captioning for the hard of hearing or deaf? I love this game to bits, but as I'm hard of hearing I miss a lot of audio cues, (even the hunt sometimes). It makes it very difficult to play solo, and in multiplayer I have to rely on my friends for audio cues.

  8. Insym forgot that they changed candles, not only that candles don't completely prevent sanity drain but also you can place it near yourself instead of holding it 🙂

  9. Some idea for a ghost that i had some time ago, is some kind of "glutton" type of ghost, first, they would need to add some kind of "food" type item, when that ghost hunger bar is full, its even more shy and inactive than a shade, having it become more active and aggresive as that hunger bar empties, when its fully empty, it could become the more fastest, agresive ghost of them, and by using that "food" you can "control" that (other ghost could just have interactions with the food, but nothing happen)

  10. They should make the yurei like a sound sensor ghost. Like a ghost that fucks with the sound sensor and makes you hear weird things that aren’t happening through them like the radio being turned on. Like we need another sound ghost and it could be opposite of mare and love to play with electronics


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