this is the RIGHT way to play phasmophobia…

is to chuck items at your surviving teammates…
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13 thoughts on “this is the RIGHT way to play phasmophobia…”

  1. How come you all treat this like you can go anywhere,, duuuhhhhh there's a presence, you seem to rummage through the house with no consideration of running into a hostile. I didn't understand that level of inconsiderate existed. But the joint talking is a nice experience as I go independent.-Ernie Moore Jr.

  2. I'm watching from one person's gamingstation, but does whomever understand the different instruments can indicate the ghost type?-Ernie Moore Jr.
    But youall at a sim level of gameplay seemed to be having fun learning as you go.-EMJ.

  3. Hi again Ange. Watched a bit of this (because it’s you playing it not because of the game itself) and I’ve enjoyed it but didn’t have time to watch the rest sadly…
    Anyway, have you played/would you play a horror game like Resident Evil on the channel or maybe Silent Hill? (Ok, maybe not Silent Hill because it’s old and can only be played on emulation or PS2 console… unless you know how to emulate…? Anyway, getting sidetracked)
    Would you play those horror games or have you already played them?
    (One more question… sorry about length of paragraph lol but, what computer specs do you have? Because you played The Quarry, which is probably very high graphics)


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