This is What HIGH LEVEL Phasmophobia Looks Like

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! What you are about to watch is some of the most intense Phasmophobia I have ever played. We did speedruns together with the level 40 THOUSAND squad. These runs were incredibly fast and so much fun! Let’s see how many ghosts we can find in one hour! ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7


49 thoughts on “This is What HIGH LEVEL Phasmophobia Looks Like”

  1. how the Hell do you get Writing so fast?
    Every time I play the ghost just refuses to write in the book unless someone stands on top of it chanting "BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK"
    And yes I have tried placing the book on Salt, near doors the ghost touches and near events.

  2. I love this speed running. you could do so much better if you organized together. No flashlights just someone with a UV, go turn on breaker use lights, and make sure everyone has items to get the ghost.

  3. Insym, when will you play one of your older challenges again?
    As an example, try not to laugh while a hunt is going on and many more!

    Also man, I wish I know how to play like a High Level.

  4. today was my first time downloading and playing phasmophobia… i did 2 games which 1 one them were succesful…

    first game i use the mirror and the poltergeist spawns on top of me and kills me

    second game im trying to look for the cursed item and demon uses its ability and hunts me at 90% sanity…

    i feel like the game is telling me to go and study for tomorrows exam😂😂😂

  5. Think how fast it would be if they played together more and were organized each person knowing what they were supposed to bring. Also it would be fun to see how fast you guys could do it on the large maps only

  6. I think it’s clear this squad is a favorite. They’re just so animated and wholesome. Definitely hope to see more videos with these guys, in addition to the usual trio haha!


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