Welcome back to Phasmophobia! What you are about to watch is some of the most intense Phasmophobia I have ever played. We did speedruns together with the level 40 THOUSAND squad. These runs were incredibly fast and so much fun! Let’s see how many ghosts we can find in one hour! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.7
that moment at 23:00 when he accidently saved the game. LOL
how the Hell do you get Writing so fast?
Every time I play the ghost just refuses to write in the book unless someone stands on top of it chanting "BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK"
And yes I have tried placing the book on Salt, near doors the ghost touches and near events.
You started the session at a combined total of 50,475 levels and ended at 50,558 so that's an average of about 21 levels per person in just one hour of professional mode
Love this, congrats on your 599k subs insym.. you are the best Phasmophobia streamer i've ever seen
I love this speed running. you could do so much better if you organized together. No flashlights just someone with a UV, go turn on breaker use lights, and make sure everyone has items to get the ghost.
What is insym's instagram ?
Congrats for 600k Subs!
speedrun on an early access game, WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE !
How did he find out Obake? He didn’t check the fingerprints that well, or is it just too fast?
Insym, when will you play one of your older challenges again?
As an example, try not to laugh while a hunt is going on and many more!
Also man, I wish I know how to play like a High Level.
today was my first time downloading and playing phasmophobia… i did 2 games which 1 one them were succesful…
first game i use the mirror and the poltergeist spawns on top of me and kills me
second game im trying to look for the cursed item and demon uses its ability and hunts me at 90% sanity…
i feel like the game is telling me to go and study for tomorrows exam😂😂😂
50k lobbies go crazy
I love this squad so much fun! Thank you for the video ❤
More like a 50k squad
This crew is so much fun, hope to see more 10k team vids!
ghost was like : ._. what just happened
Reminds me of a Dipped in Dopamine video
Insym and Shooshies in the same game? 💜💜💜💜
23:02 I got mad déjà vu from that. Idk why
Got 17, missed 3, and cheated on last one, so could only have made 19. Almost there, but definitely more ways to optimize the runs.
At first speed run…
Wraith realised that 4 10k level people entering together, He just tried to hunt until he realised that they identified him as wraith….. Ohhhh justice for wraith….
I would love to see a Terminal Montage animation on this video , it would be hilarious 😂
Hey Insym, u were wrong, it's not level 40k its level 50k, that's why the ghosts were so mad
Those gales are so adorable. I could watch you all playing together for hours.
this might be a stupid idea, but what if a house had 2 ghosts to add to the craziness?
If I am the ghost I would say
"just let me kill 1 of you, I've been lonely for years please"
Imagine the pov of the ghostjust living hundreds of years in this house and then just getting 2 minute speedrunned by people screaming around random shit
Insym keeps forgetting that wraiths will never step in the salt anymore, so the photo trick is unnecessary
it's really the 50k squad now.
2:40 How can you not see the orbs right the-no, wait. That's just dust on my screen. Proceed.
So I wanted to test my ghost knowledge. Spawned into tanglewood saw the "Hantu breath" said bet and left. It was the mimic, I was technically right…
can you guys do a redo and try to get 20 your pace at the beginning was great just luck ran out
Think how fast it would be if they played together more and were organized each person knowing what they were supposed to bring. Also it would be fun to see how fast you guys could do it on the large maps only
I was here for the actual stream and love rewatching my favorite moments. You should totally do more with this team
it so goooddddddddd
Insym: Wanna see me discover the ghost?
Also Insym: Wanna see me do it again?
I think it’s clear this squad is a favorite. They’re just so animated and wholesome. Definitely hope to see more videos with these guys, in addition to the usual trio haha!
My hand bugs out on the wall every time. you just gotta grab another item and then scroll through.
this is pretty much how pro league phasmo would look like lol
You know the squad is good when insym is the lowest lvl
They are actually above 50000 lvls if we do math
I love how you call yourselves lv 40 000 gamers but your 50 000😂😂
ngl I couldn't see the dots at like 27:30 at all and I slowed it down and rewound like 5 times lol, am I just blind
After I watched this video, I speed run the way I played phasmo and got the trophy in 1 hour.. I was like.. wait whaaa…. THANK YOU INSYM!
Ghosts thinking whether they hunting players or players hunting them….
Lol even deogen also hide from these high level players.. Lol
Their combined level is actually over 50k
Ghosts are terrified of this squad