Phasmophobia funny moments with the homies! It was my first time playing and luckily for me, Razz and Mike, LaurenzSide was here to show us the ropes! Leave a LIKE if you want to see more Phasmophobia!
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We’re here to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously, so any negative comments will be automatically deleted! Thanks for watching!
Should I pick up the dolls? 😏
Jay!!! When the lights flicker; turn off you light, hide away from doors, and stay quiet and don’t scream! If you have a Crucifix place it on the group close to everybody And STAY QUIET!!! Also with the smudge sticks, you have to drop it in the room the ghost it’s in.
Day 2 of requesting from jay to play silent hill , silent hill 4 ( the room ) is my favorite
hey jay were twins except my birthday is the 29th and yours is the 28 I hope u like this your are the best stay THAT DUDE FOR ME
if these ain't the most disrespectful hunters– LMAOOOO
the first ghost is lowkey smart. she knows that the door is their only exit so she usually haunts there
What was that random scream near the end? At like 27:58
im in the intro and it's already scary 1:58 been scary so far
' ' Dude, He was tall, he was brown, and he was naked! ' '
I got a kick out of that for some reason.
i love this omgggggggg
A fly landed on me halfway through this video, I jumped and hit my knee on my desk and now im laughing like a mentally insane drunk
Guys your the same funny from peenoiseplays
I got a notification from twitter saying Join SubWay in following Lady Gaga and i was like wtf?
"check the beds"
Damn ur playing with best game youtubers
Lauren laugh is pissing me off in the start bruv
Do u have vr? If you don’t pls buy it and get The Exorcist Legion, it’s a spoopy game about you being a exorcist and fighting demons! I would love to see you play it!!
yo you should play phasmophobia again i love your vids
Lauren's scream scared me more than the ghost
Okk ok this scared the fricken fuck out off me bruhhhhhh
Me and my friend's: plays a game called Phasmophobia
Me talking to my friends:I know somehow we will ended up laughing 😂😂
The ghosts are like "Razz you like that yandere love right? I'll kill everyone for you daddy~" XD XD XD
I watched Mike's Version first it was hilarious
Wait no more phasmophobia
Using my mom’s phone AHHA😍😏
Am I the only one that thinks martinez is a poltergeist somehow?
Tutorial (ive played this so)
1.Set up a camera in the room shes in befor dat make sure u have a notebook and ouiji board if theres no ouiji board then u can still do it
2 someone needs to be alone while calling her name so the others go in the truck and watch
3.if u call her name alot she will be mad and the radio is gonna go up so u need to hurry up and get out FAST
3 people die, you get tons of evidence, and your insanity is by 80% and they pay you 30 dollars me be like WTH IS THIS?
yo everyone make sure to remember that jay from the kubz scouts is THAT DUDE
Jay has the most wholesome laugh ever
You can fight me if you don’t agree
Ive been watching so much of you laughing, my laugh beacame like yours
Pls Get me on Steam!! Its (holapeoples)
i love your laughs, its makes my day
6:50 adult?