This Is Why YOU Should STOP Playing Phasmophobia! | Smoki & Taka React

Phasmophobia Developer bans Partner for showing Exploit!
by @Th3BeardedBaron
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10 thoughts on “This Is Why YOU Should STOP Playing Phasmophobia! | Smoki & Taka React”

  1. Being able to post a video earlier than majority of the others would be, in a way, an unfair advantage. And what people that are in the content creator program should do is post videos around the same time. Allowing one content creator to use an exploit shouldn't be allowed. Either all content creators should be allowed to do so, as long as no one shows how, or no one gets to do it

  2. I think Baron came out worse in this drama than the Phasmo devs in this exchange, to be honest. I don't really care about the squabbles between content creators, so I'm going to nope out of that part of this drama, but I don't think Baron came off very sympathetic. He had basically gotten the fairness he wanted, but instead decided to take a nuke to his relationship the devs because the other parties didn't think this was a big of a deal as he thought.

    Phasmo is a casual game you play with your friends, not some competitive game where you need to ensure that there are no cheaters on a leaderboard or a way to cheat yourself to some in-game progress. With that in mind, The decision just make the weekly/daily system pick dailies and weeklies from a list in a deterministic way, is in my opinion entirely fine for what it sets out to do. In order to sync dailies and weeklies between players, the date is used. Again, this is just fine for 99% of all players. This system is "exploitable" sure, but it is working as intended. Which is obviously what they're trying to communicate.

    My best bet is that this has been known since the Christmas event patch dropped in December. As you might recall, the devs broke the weekly, when that patch dropped. The system forced you to complete the challenge mode on the unreleased map (Point Hope) and they had to issue an update to fix this, basically confirming that dailies and weeklies were a client side issue, as it required a code update to the client side software.

    I too think that the devs should have been stricter with this from the get go, instead of this wishy washy "ok, but don't tell anyone" stance.
    That being said, I don't really fault them for removing Baron from the program, after Baron was told what would happened if he made a video about it and he did anyways.

  3. Stop playing a game because a content creator waits until the challenge to come out before releasing his video. Who cares when he records it. It would be a different issue if it were released before the challenge released.

    Phasmo is an extremely buggy game and it always was. Sounds like some nobody getting mad for no reason. It's a niche game with a niche audience.

    I seem to hit a nerve with that Video. I am aware that camps are pretty split on this situation and I'm happy to have an open discussion in the comments. It's always super interesting to hear other people's points of view on this and I'd love to hear from you even if you don't agree with me.
    But PLEASE. I have NO tolerance towards insults & demeaning comments directed towards ANYBODY in the comments. I don't care if the person Agrees with me or Disagrees but if you insult them or anybody else your comment will be IMMEDIATELY deleted. That kind of stuff doesn't help anyone!

  5. Another thing to note is there are something like 60 weekly challenges and they are on a rotation so when Phsyco said its far stretched for something we have already played he literally means everyone has already played this challenge once before and all of the youtubers already have 1 video with this challenge so its not like its something new he is getting to make before everyone else.

  6. This is not a big deal. (For me at least.) People commonly forget about different time zones.

    A lot of games with weekly challenges based on computer clock.

    Its not fixable, the “fix” would be having the weekly challenges be uploaded via server but that would make it difficult as it would only use one timezone.

    He probably asked to not share it because it could be abused by others to rapidly increase their profit in game.

    Either way I still enjoy playing phas.

  7. Why make the video when to just going to bring more attention to the exploit? Devs have enough on their plates currently than to be dealing with a minor issue that doesn't need to be dramatised. Also at present having a higher level has no effect to players aside from very few cosmetics.


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