This NEW Ghost Has An INSANE Weakness! | Phasmophobia New Ghosts

My first match with the new Thaye in Phasmophobia! This ghost has an insane weakness!


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10 thoughts on “This NEW Ghost Has An INSANE Weakness! | Phasmophobia New Ghosts”

  1. Today we were playing with my wife and we've got Thaye on professional difficulty. My wife was in the van to check sanity and sound sensors. I was standing in a kitchen for like 20 minutes and begging it to leave TV room. No any hunt on level 30 sanity, just ghost events.

  2. Ive learned in the 10 games ive encountered this ghost today, it starts off acting very Oni-ish. Super active, frequent ghost events and when you get close to the ghost room.. itll do an interaction such as throwing the paint cans in right storage on Willow. As the game progresses, itll turn more into a shade and wont do as many interactions unless you are in the room> I haven't gotten the ghost to hunt yet even at 50% sanity with no crucifixes used bc i wanted to test the ghost speed


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