Welcome to the NEW update for Phasmophobia! This is a crazy update! They have added so many fun new things! And in this video I show you EVERYTHING in the new update! ENJOY!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1
wish we could hold more object's more than 3 .why do we have only 3??
I found all the wishes myself first, now it’s time to watch Insym to see what they all do!
Update: 5 mins in and he already found two I didn’t, so there’s more than I thought lmao. And they’re all in places I looked through three times each
That’s gonna be the end of the fame of the Tarot cards
I love your videos keep up the good work king
Go to Camp woodwind, you will see a secret message (Its basically a easter egg hunt)
dunno if its correct or not, but i have an idea about those "runes"
if you take a closer look, you can probably see some odd similarity to zodiac signs, some of them are changed a bit, some of them are merged into one
new ghost incoming?
Can the notecards spawn in small maps as well
When you change the Voice recognition mode to Text you'll see the Wishes through Right click
I guess you could say that cursed possesion is handy
Always delivering the best news. Monkey paw is genius
The only way a video could be out this fast is if it was literally just a vod.
This is the scariest game I have ever played, I play it in VR on my HP G2 with B Haptics suit, my gods, that's something else :-p , many friends of mine will not play it in VR, all grown ups , but they curl up on the ground when the ghost appears or starts touching them 😛
honestly with the infinite wises cj should have made the paw turn around in your hand and give you the middle finger to be like bitch thats not how wises work get real then turn back and remove 1 wish
Love the video. There was a new horror game that just came out and I highly recommend (file destined)
idea for knowledge is sanity related with your mind being overwhelmed with this new knowledge your vision starts to be lost as your santiy hits 0 0 being pure darkness unplayable and 100 being normal vision with the wish taking its toll on your mental state it cuts your sanity in half and pauses for x amount of secs so you can get outside and increase your sanity
The letters in the lobby says this; the left side says POINT and the right side says HOLD
you use knowledge if you want to leave maybe you get 2 ghosts like yurei or goryo because it messes up the sounds and visions
Wow by far the best update! Well done devs! 👏
Okay, normally when it comes to updates, I always go to insym or psycho for help but I'm really proud of myself for figuring out the monkey paw wishes and found every rune riddle and solution around the same time insym did and did it all by myself without their help before they uploaded. I wrote everything down and it took me a bit to realize after finding 3 runes, it was related to weather and locations. I thought we wouldn't find anything until the next update. The monkey paw is so fun and Intresting to test and the consequences are so weird! Sunny meadow is now one of my favorites. Glad that I finished the mystery so I can watch insym play now, time to hop into the game, let's go! ☺️
I do think they are really good developers and are trying to make a great game with as much content as it can take… but I think it's getting out of hand at this point… I think it's getting to be too much to just play the game like it was supposed to be played. Now that there's a gazillion items it just seems like it's more about brute forcing a code and it keeps getting harder and harder with more integers… back then it wasn't nearly as complex as it should be.. it was fun. Now it's just too much..
geometry dash reference at 12:18
I remember when the moment I unlocked the door and got inside on Tanglewood, it immediately did a poltergiest multi-throw, then I either did the secondary objectives or left just to cheese the game. Rediculously lucky.
Two things I have waited for in these past few years
Winds of Winter by George R Martin
the big black light by Phasmophobia
Who will win first? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z
what if wishing for infinite wishes kills you and turns you into a monkey paw that your teammates can use
its insane how Insym can be dumb, he didnt realise that the whole hand is moving when the wish fail ……. i understood it right away and even then he wish for safety and for death did deny is for safe, yet he thought it wouldnt overwrite, what a dummies
Devs need to allow you to donate cause these updates need to come sooner maaannnn 😭😭
looks like there will be something new on the head camera thingies as well, cant wait
How is this a AMAZING update lol it’s just a new cursed possession that’s it. No new ghost, no new equipment, or new maps 😂
Omg do you guys know what the monkeys paw refers to?!??!
*trying to read the runes*
… maybe it’s funnier in Enochian? *flees*
EDIT: You wished for sanity. You didn’t say how much. ^_^
I do like the concept of adding a monkey's paw as a cursed possession. Basically it grants a wish with a gruesome cost
I htink the knowledge wish takes away they eye based on what happened. Like Odin gave away his eye to gain knowledge, i guess similar stuff here? 😀
Play doors it updated
58:10 broo the ball just teleported or this was just a render distance
Many thanks for being the people's guinea pig! In the name of phasmo science!🤣
New Paramic? No. They added a raygun lol
Is the gotta go fast thing normal I'd did deadsim rename it?
Pretty sure wishing for activity made him deaf. The fact that the wishes curse you are amazing. Imagine a blind, deaf and whatever else run. Oh, did it not make him deaf? Disappointing. I was so excited for a moment. It looks like wishing for knowledge makes you blind and deaf.
35:05 Insym, I read books about Monkey's Paw… It doesn't only grant you wish but also consequences. An old fakir placed a spell on the paw, so that it would grant three wishes but only with hellish consequences as punishment for tampering with fate. When you ask for knowledge, you are blind and can't see a thing.. this is prolly the consequences of your greed.. I know nothing about the update, I am planning on playing it myself and experience it.. This is just me giving you theories… hahaha.. it's fascinating to guess what it really is.. I prolly think you knew already about the Monkey's Paw in phasmo by now.
This stream was so much fun and I’m glad I was actually able to be there for it!❤️
I can’t hold this anymore but where you got the sweater… I want it
idk why, but when wishing for knowledge and becoming mostly blind reminded me of Skyrim, where the moth priest reads the Elder Scroll and becomes blind. Knowledge for the exchange of sight
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." – Albert Einstein
Play silent hill please😊
The progression items teaser are such a hype
18:40, they should make it that if the player wishes for infinite wishes, the monkey paw does a middle finger, and then hunts. That would be hilarious.
Thank you for all the new info
Imagine trapping the ghost in the room…
…with a teammate inside.