This is the most insane thing I have ever seen in Phasmophobia. This trick allows you to make the ghost do so many interactions, it allows you to get tons of ghost events and it even allows you to CANCEL ANY HUNT. This is beyond ridiculous and as much as it’s fun to play with I really hope DK and his team fix this pretty quick because it makes the game feel way too easy. I hope you enjoy this Phasmophobia Science video where we test and show all these things! Let me know what you think about it in the comments below! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.2.10.1
12:38 if you dont know the ghost type yet, and you have somebody else looking at the EMF activity chart, you might get confused with a polter (maybe)
Keeping up with the pokemon references: "Insym uses Show us, it was very effective!"
Honestly, Ive had more success getting hunted by singing to the ghost. Dont know how or why, but its been effective
i like the concept. every ghost could have a phrase he hates and is more aggessiv towards.
The video I wished for a long time. Phasmophobia is like my favorite game to see you upload, I also thank you for teaching me how to play the game!
now imagine this
you: run. run. run.
the poltegeist: LET ME GOOOO
Ey! anyone knows how insym adds the items that fast? like with idk autoclick? thanksc:
Hey Insym, on tanglewood, if you go to the boys bedroom closet, and back yourself against the right corner and talk, you won’t get killed by the ghost. You can also troll with this in multiplayer, because if you show it to someone else, and go to the other side of the closet, they will die
How to train your phantom. 🤣😭
Thanks for the insight Insym!
I also heard that the term 'Motherfucker' is also twice in the list. Although it was quite a while ago. IDK if it works or not.
We already know about the bug where the hunt sometimes ends early because of the ghost touching a door and some of, if not most, of these hunts (granted not all of them) were no exception. When the hunts end early on the Willow Street house, you can almost always hear the ghost touch the door at the same time it does. We know that this bug here isn't anything new and is something we've known for a bit now, but do you think that THIS method is now a way to exploit it and FORCE it to happen? Perhaps you saying the the trigger words like "show us" and "hide" when the hunt started guaranteed the ghost to interact with the door when it got close to it (because of how broken these phrases seem to be at getting the ghost to be active and interact), therefore making the hunt end early with the bug that we already know about? I'm not entirely sure, and it's only food for thought really. Very interesting video.
There was also another word or phrase that was (or still is) recognized twice but I'm not sure, it's not twitch friendly though… Heheheh Let's just say it starts with Mother heheh
Ghost: Starts hunting
Insym: Run
Ghost: Understandable have a great day
I dunno if this is a voice command or not but I've seen ghosts get huge mad after I say, "leave this place."
ShoShoShoShoShow us
I'm guessing the cancelled hunt was probably patched by end of stream 😉
show us
When it comes to the spirit box I love saying "what do you want?" Because i know it pisses them off but at least they answer that one fast, sometimes i can spend hours asking nice questions and they'll ignore me but as soon as i ask what they want they're like "DIE"
“Why do I have a fork!?”
Me: just laughing
GTA San Andreas God Mode Cheat Code: R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Phasmophobia God Mode Cheat Code: Show Us, Show Us, Show Us, Run, Run, Hunt, Run, Show Us, Hide, Show Us
THIS JUST IN: Insym Fat-Shames His Own Fingers! @6:00
My favorite ghost is a demon, ez perfect game with ouija board