This Ridiculous Trick Breaks Phasmophobia Completely

Welcome back to Phasmophobia. In this video I show you a ridiculous trick that is absolutely gamebreaking. Using these tricks you will never get hunted again because your sanity will permanently be 100%. This is really stupid and the developers are already working on fixing it. I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.3.1.0


40 thoughts on “This Ridiculous Trick Breaks Phasmophobia Completely”

  1. I might be an idiot but has anyone else noticed the ghost not manifesting at all and rarely hunting even at 0 sanity? Its been making the game super boring for me and there's no point taking a camera in anymore cuz I won't get a photo of the ghost even if I stay in the ghost room for 10 mins :/

  2. Hey, Awesome content. One quick question: is it possible in Tanglewood to take a photo to the ghost from behind the window of "Boys Bedroom"? I've tried but it seems impossible or very difficult. Behind i mean "Outside" of course xd

  3. Insym: "Who wants to Never get hunted"… Me: coughs in anxiety XDD tbh i use the candle strat for Big maps, i use the candle out till i get breaker on and find the ghost room, then i ditch the candle and do evidence, just so i dont get hunted Before i even find the ghost room. Me and my group manage to do the No hunt thing pretty often haha, getting full money and ghost type but no hunts

  4. My brother and I also found that the steong flashlight has a possibility to break in a way that completely breaks the visuals, making it so when u have the flashlight in hand it's super bright and has an infinite range. I'm not sure how he did it, but it's similar to throwing it pointing straight up then holding it in hand. I've been unable to repeat it.

  5. I'd love to see challenge when this glitch is fixed where you try to figure out the ghost before getting hunted. If you get hunted then you take your best guess based on what you already know and leave

  6. I noticed my sanity didnt drain with the glowstick shortly after the item rework patch. I was in a random group of 4 and we were waiting in Foyer/Kitchen area of Ridgevview roadhouse just sort of waiting for our sanity to drop for the objective and the hunt objectives, so i decided to bring a glowstick instead of having my flashlight out since i figured we were going to get hunter at any point and Glowstick gives you a light source you can use while hiding for the hunt. Then someone in the van told me I need to stay in the house because my sanity was still high. That definitely confused me because I was for sure just standing in the dark for like 4 min with just a glowstick. Figured it was a one off bug so I didnt attribute it to the glowstick.

  7. I wonder if it's possible to clear a mission with no time in the dark. You'd have to go in with a glowstick and some flashlights, pick a place to get started, secure a hiding spot, then bring the equipment in.


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