This team was so GOOD! We beat so many runs so fast it was insane! This was some next level Phasmophobia speedrunning on Edgefield. I had so much fun with this. Phasmophobia is all about going with the flow and enjoying yourself! I love challenging myself with hard challenges but I also love public lobby memes like this! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed playing!
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
Who dislikes this guy? nancy noises
Also "OH YO BOY" 4:44
finally something to stop the insanity of YouTube recommending me crap. Thank you insym
the ghosts were like ''We don't want these people here for long.''
I guess the ghosts just wanted to be alone. sad ghosti
I’m just wondering but what auto clicker do you have and would it mess with any like FPS games if i don’t use it?
this is hilarious, but if your speed running with pro's to branch out lets face it, asylum and prison is where it matters ;), least till some new maps come out. super stoked for mansion.
istg… all the crazy bugs in phas only happen to you. Mans just says "FAR" the second you walk in… smh
Nice Speedrun Like it very much 🙂 Good Video as always 😀
Impressive, most impressive
Hey, need help my friend cant get the latest version (0.28.1) and I really want to play the new version anyone have any suggestions?
Ghosts are like oh its you nope get him out of here fast
I started crying when i played my first round of this game. Now im the one who has to tell new people it isnt scary
That was pure insanity. Not just the speedruns, also those massive eyeballs 😂
Hi insym Hope your having a good day and keep inspiring and motovating people everyday ❤💙💚💛💜🖤♥️💗💟💖💎🌸🌹🌷🌻🌼💐🌺🍁🙂😀💪
Nice speedrun
These guys are the living Legends, got 4 games for 5k coins 💀 other pay 20k for that
I love seeing the pikachu in your room… 😍😍
She be's like 😲
Y'all went Jesus mode
That thumbnail is PERFECT
I would Love to play like that, I learnt 80% of game from You Insym!
We reach a point where Insym just sneeze and get the gosht right at the door of the house (like the first one lol) xD
The two people who disliked have no brain cells :))
9:10 Apparently speedrunners are built differently with their eyeballs popping out.
"I hate this map." And you're just like "Edgefield again!"
im just going to watch these recent vids and wait until a new one comes out.
For those confused on the first clip: Wherever a spirit box is, it'll always answer if a question was asked by someone in the dark within 3m of the ghost. Insym's box went off because the person iin the basement asked the question, and all spirit boxes answered together.
It is a bit of a freaky mechanic, but great fun to jumpscare somoene with if you leave one on in an otherwise empty room 😀
Me and 2 other friends got 1 min and 2 seconds on tanglewood, i wonder if thats like the fastest for tanglewood or not
How do I get Insym to play in my lobby lol
4:50 why he know its phantom?
This is too funny… I want more of this… 😂
00:09 wtf Insym f*cks ghosts with his team?
my fastest was on grafton at 3:42 with all 3 objectives bc it was at the door lmao
You finished those maps faster than my friends choose the gear they walk in with.