This Was the Craziest Chain Hunt Ever – Phasmophobia [LVL 6277]

Welcome to a CRAZY ghost in Phasmophobia. I’ve never been chain hunted like this before. This was absolutely insane. Have you experienced something like this? Let me know! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.4.0.0


31 thoughts on “This Was the Craziest Chain Hunt Ever – Phasmophobia [LVL 6277]”

  1. Imagine if this game had a ghost that crawled up walls and on the ceiling and just hung out on the wall in a corner up in the ceiling randomly and you just walked right to it and it decides to show itself like that. Exorcism Possessed type of ghost. A Demon should do that stuff.

  2. Well wait a minute, does this mean that the Rev will be fixed soon in a future patch so that they will keep their high speed ability regardless of the situation even if line of sight is lost? That s gonna be deadly!

  3. i had a crazy chain hunter on high school once. it was a territorial ghost and its ghost room was RIGHT by the stairs to the bottom floor (mind you it was my first time playing that map as well) and i literally couldnt move out of my hiding place because itd starting hunting right as i tried to turn on my flashlight or moved the tinest of bits. i eventually made it to the stairs before it hunted again and i was only saved due to it de-spawning halfway down before it got to me. didnt even guess the right ghost rip.

  4. I had it the other way around once with my team : 2nd hunt and one out of us three died, from this moment on we couldn't get the cabine without being hunted 😂 We had so many hunts and we had to guess the ghost with just one clue in the end
    It was just a fucking angry baby hantu
    Since then, i've hated going to the cabine 😂

  5. So hopefully Insym catches this

    The heartbeat when you're on the cabin balcony has been there since the map came out. I believe the ghost can actually see up there from the dirt path and being in LoS triggers the heartbeat if I recall. Might be a bug, might not. But its terrifying either way

  6. bruhh I would never have guessed this was a revenant, the last 3 revenants I've had were all little babies that gave 0 interactions, 0 evidence and did 0 ghost events and hunts
    almost feels like a bug tbh, revenants just never give evidence it feels like (you only got freezing after 20 minutes)


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