This Weekly Challenge is Absolutely Messed Up – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we check out the new weekly challenge and this one is mega messed up. It’s a Sunny Meadows with almost No Evidence and not even useful items such as salt or smudge sticks. And of course there also isn’t a breaker or a cursed possession… ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.9


29 thoughts on “This Weekly Challenge is Absolutely Messed Up – Phasmophobia Weekly Challenge”

  1. one of mine was an onryo and i actually got a hunt after the third blow out. i think it's actually the first time i've worked out an onryo that way. another was the twins through twinteraction on the board and had a phantom for the third at the end of the female wing, i set up with a motion sensor down the other end of the hall and it roamed to me. overall pretty luck set of ghosts as it would've been painful otherwise.

  2. Love your videos, love seeing others on this challenge. My was fast as my friend has weirdest luck, it was in the same room, the same ghost. Demon three times in a role. Glitched the ghost with the door and wall moon walked. Interesting to see another way to play the challenge.

    An interesting challenge would be prison have only dots, spirit box, and book all tier one. Lighters for light, and headcams, maybe some tripods and just call it Super Sale for items people don't like keep using and want to upgrade. Sounds like fun.

  3. The first time we did this challenge, one of us got stuck in the sink at the back of the kitchen and could not get out despite our best efforts. We then had to wait for the ghost to hunt (no cursed possession) , but it ended up being a Thaye and hunted at like 10% sanity because we were stuck in the ghost room. I will never forget this challenge.

  4. I did this challenge solo and my very first game it was a shade all the way at the end of the female dorms. I spent like 30 minutes in the game before giving up and just guessing. I probably won't even try finishing this challenge cause the low sanity drain and no cursed possession is too much. I'd be fine with not having all the evidence items if we at least had a way to get a hunt to figure out ghosts

  5. Without a cursed object and the slow sanity drain, this challenge was pure pain. At some point I stood for what felt like eternity in the dark, just waiting to drop and get a hunt.

  6. Me and my friends got it done in a couple hours. Once we found the ghosts it became pretty easy. And having friends makes it super easy because of the head camera. We caught a goryo with the dots using someone in the truck. We definitely did fall victim to the fake noises for a bit though.

    We had to do it 4 times total, one extra because the first time we were split on the decision (one of the evidences was either freezing or UV.

    We figured out a Deogen, Hantu, Banshee, and I forgot the last one. Think it may hve been a Yurei.

  7. Great video, but challenge is kinda broken. As the ghost was doing things only the twins, mimic, or demon could do and it was a revenant, i.e. was doing things in 2 different locations very far apart( like 2-3 wards away) and this happened twice out of 3 hunts where it was a ghost it couldnt have been going on behavior and evidence.

  8. I tried to play this challenge out on stream and got a Jinn. With the breaker broken, there wasn't a way to use its ability. We also didn't have an EMF, UV, or Thermo to get any of its evidences. I could only infer EMF5 with the ability chart but, it's Sunny and the ghost room was near the end of the female wing. It was extremely annoying and ended up getting it wrong. In 30m it never changed ghost room, so I thought it was a Goryo.


  9. Hey Insym – I did some testing with the freezing in Phasmo and I kinda narrowed it down to NVIDIA Broadcast being the issue. As soon as I turn it on with the "remove background" function enabled the game start frequently freezing at the start of a round. Maybe you should check out if it fixes the problem for you since I thought you were also using it additionally to your greenscreen.

    EDIT: Btw I should say that as soon as I disable it the game works perfectly fine and also no problems on an all AMD-system. Also again amazing video. Huge fan.

  10. -para mic is bad
    literally few minutes later finds the ghost with para mic 😀

    jokes aside, i agree, they made everything to stop people from finding the ghost with every possible way, except every door is closed by default. That is huge missed oportunity. I'm sure it's possible to see twin/polter throws with t3 para mic, also as seen in video yurei closing doors the first time.
    I think it would be WAY better challenge if it was perma hunt without any possible way of hiding or looping. It would force people to actually use para mic to see the ghost movement(speed or amount of throwing items) from safe distance. I guess there is chance for wraith tp and insta kill or entrance ghost, but honestly, it would be at least fun.

  11. I coudn't do it… audio only i mean.

    The fact that you can't hear when the ghost touches a door with the paramic damned us nearly every time, eventually i choose to go with just my slowly fading courage, was also chasing wherever he'd be hunting, sometimes he trapped a friend outside and i somewhere else. So i had to go where it was hunting lol

  12. as an paramic enjoyer that challange was actually very cool
    its a lot easier when u have 1 friend to help – 1 goes to left wing and second one goes for right wing. its nice that u dont have to check every room (like with thermo), cus u can just speedrun every section of this map. and if someone would have trouble with parabolics, u can just use sound sensors.
    paramic also helps when hunting bc u can easilly check the speed of ghost.
    its probablly the hardest challange ever for new players😂

  13. No cursed possession only some items that are not useful no electricity not even all evidence in friking asylum not even restricted just full ass asylum. Also cant you take 2 pictures of a door and wouldnt it say fingerprints on the second picture if it touched a door and left them behind


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