Tomato plays Phasmophobia (w/ Bedbanas & Dave)
Air Date…………………….➤Dec 23, 2021
Tomato’s Youtube………➤
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Tomato’s Twitter………..➤
VODS Managed by BrettUltimus ➤
– The ghost can hear you during hunts and track you via your equipment being on.
– If you see your breath, that is freezing temps, a piece of evidence.
– Ouija boards break if you don’t say goodbye to them and walk away from where you used them.
– The cursed items are an ouija board, tarot cards, a voodoo doll, a music box, a cursed mirror, and the summoning circle. Only one spawns per map.
– Ouija board responds to stuff like “Where are you”, “am I insane”, “what’s my sanity” “how do you feel”, “how did you die”, “how many have you killed”, etc
– the mirror breaks if your sanity hits 0%
– voodoo doll can kill you if it uses the heart pin or start a hunt
– music box breaks if dropped and using is guaranteed a hunt
– summoning circle guarantees a hunt
– tarot cards can cause a hunt
1:22:54 ghost on the ceiling scared me
It's always Dave 😅
oh no! i wonder what ever happened to the intro segments i love so dearly tomat???
I love how every streamer/youtuber who plays this game just shouts the ghosts' names, thereby pissing the ghosts off, thereby making it exponentially more difficult to actually get anything done.
My father's name is Donald Johnson…
I swear, if mine or my brother's name shows up, I'm going to lose my shit…
39:48 The mirror was on the ground
If you were able to talk to Scandinavian ghost children, would that mean you're mylingual?
I'll see myself out.
Tomato "No more VR" Gaming
Why the everything always tilted to the left when Tomato plays a VR game? Can this guy not stand up straight?
Tomato should just be in a Discord call with a muted Mod in it for VR. Mute Discord on the stream and they can interject if anything is wrong on the stream. So he doesn't need to be paranoid about technical things all the time.
When is Dave gonna feature on a Charborg track?
I like how everyone at the end was gifting subs to try and stunlock Tomato so he wouldn't end the steam =)
Tomato "Is this your caulk?" Gaming
Dave killing me at 2:21:10
can't believe tomato and friends are harrassing these poor ghosts
that thing Tomato saw at 1:08:41 was the DOTS evidence, it just looks like the shape of the ghost made of those green dots moving very fast through the DOTS. Also you can tell it was an Oni because when it was showing itself it appeared physically as if it was hunting rather than appearing as a shadowy figure like other ghosts do. Also, the Voodoo doll has a less noticeable effect than the others unless your sanity is very low: when you use it a pin will be pushed in and your sanity drops, if the heart pin is pushed in a hunt starts, if your sanity is low enough every pin gets pushed in at once. if you watch the red pin near the bottom of the doll at 3:10:28, it gets pushed in.
why does he sound different
I think the one time the radio works for Tomato…he didn't catch it. It sounded almost like Bed but it was a woman saying "Hello" at 2:39:03.
6:02 Ummmm…. I walked away from my PC for a sec and heard this conversation going a very different way and was very disturbed until I came back and realized he was putting caulk in his mouth and not something that sounds very similar…