Top Tips to Help You Play Solo – Phasmophobia Guide

Twitch: Making the jump to playing solo can be difficult and scary at first. Playing solo is my …


36 thoughts on “Top Tips to Help You Play Solo – Phasmophobia Guide”

  1. I've only played solo. The idea of someone else standing in the dark with the music box for backgroud music while I have no idea… that scares me more than an Oni now. 😀

  2. I play with only one other person usually. We have similar play styles, so we hardly ever get in each other's way. I feel like a scared newbie when I play solo though. 😁

  3. I know it's not what Nuzz meant but it's funny to think of someone assuming this video says play around in Training mode for as long as you need and then go directly to Professional with no steps in between 😀

  4. I gotta get back into playing this solo and maybe record myself doing that. I make public lobbies a lot and just play with other people, sometimes fooling around with cursed objects.

  5. One question i have: Is there any way to practice hunt related objectives with little impact to my money? I always die to smudge mishaps or just dont do them at all so i was wondering if there is a good way to practice these

  6. This helped, I've been moving away from multiplayer as I don't have many people to play with, and public lobbies are usually toxic. It's a great point that you have control of the ghost, that really gives you a sense of security

  7. A very important tip for new solo hunters: unlike multiplayer, ghosts hear you all the time when playing solo

    That means, if you speak during a hunt, even if you aren't pressing your push-to-talk button, the ghost will hear you, find you in your hiding spot, and kill you.

    I personally dislike this, because it means that if there are background noises when you're playing, if someone in your house speaks, a car passes by, your dog barks, etc, the ghost will pick up on that too.

    And also, they might pick up on your microphone noise (which is my case), thus forcing you to mute your mic during hunts. It took me a while (and a lot of deaths and in-game money) to figure out that this was the reason I was always getting caught on my hiding spot and dying in every single game. And, since I don't have an audio board, I downloaded a program called MuteMic that does the trick.

    Still, I find that very annoying, but I hope this tip saves you!

  8. Last play through I had, I wish I was recording. Was a solo on tanglewood, but was hilarious once the 2:30 grace period ended. Ghost tried to do a jump scare when the grace period ended by doing that fake hunt and appearing right next to me in the foyer. Instead of getting scared, I looked at the ghost pretty confused (insert dial up tune). Once it clicked that was the ghost, I ran out. I realized as I ran out that not only was I able to rip the front door open, but I had my photo camera out and could have taken a photo of the ghost. I immediately turned around to rush in to take a photo but the lights blew out and the ghost disappeared.

    luckily enough, a few minutes later, I was able to take a photo of the ghost in the bathroom. 100% by accident as I meant to snap a shot at dirty water, but dude appeared in the tub. I jumped back (in-game) and my hand clenched the mouse, taking a photo. Funny enough, the camera glitch was positioned just right to black his groin lmfao

  9. used to be so scared playing solo but i just kept doing tanglewood over and over. its so safe. boosts your confidence. until you get a demon early hunt and regret everything.


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