Trolling Skizz in Phasmophobia!

Twitch VOD from a phasmophobia session with Grian, Impulse and Skizz! This is a spooky game, if you don’t like spooky don’t watch.


43 thoughts on “Trolling Skizz in Phasmophobia!”

  1. Grain playing Stardew Valley was someting thst i eas not expecting!

    Officially starting a tracking system to track how many days until Gem and Grain play stardew valley co-op lmao. I beg

  2. This is probably gonna sound rude, and I apologize for that, but why don't you upload more Vods?

    You haven't missed a beat on the Stardew Vods (which isn't a bad thing, Stardew's a great game) but nothing else? There have been multiple Vods I loved going back and watching (Namely Phasmo and the time you played Lethal Company) that have been removed from the face of the earth due to Twitch yeeting them after a certain time period.

    Sorry again if this was a rude question, or if I phrased it in a rude way, but I was curious and decided to ask.

  3. Thank you for uploading these.

    I live in Poland so it’s hard for me to catch streams and being able to watch the vods make me so happy! Also I love your positivity and the way you bring your personality to your content❤

  4. Thanks for protecting our ears in post, Gem. That peaking crackle was still gosh awful to hear, though; can't imagine what that is like at full volume, aside from it being painful to listen to. Mics and soundscape systems, am I right? Eesh. 😓

  5. I would looove if you guys played Stardew I think the guys would end up really liking it especially Grian. He loved fishing in Minecraft I can’t imagine how obsessed he would get with Stardew.

  6. I’m going to say it

    I will watch every perspective of giggs Stardew like 8 times

    With the new 8 player multiplayer it could be all five

    And you could play on four corners

    Please giggs Stardew I’m begging

  7. Oh my freaking God, when Gem looked through the window after being shut out and she saw the ghost change models, I was shouting "Obake" even though this is a vod. I still feel proud of myself for spotting that though.
    Edit: she didn't see it herself, but a couple of people in her chat spotted it change and were the reason she tested for obake shapeshift)

  8. When Skizz made his Polty pile on Grafton, the ghost DID walk through it but didn't throw anything purely because it was doing a standard walking event. It won't do the item explosion while hunting either, that's a unique event that happens separately. I felt so bad that he kept second guessing himself 🙁

  9. I’m pretty sure at this point, from watching Skizz and impulse so many times now, that for poltergeist, you guys are looking for the tells to be much more common and clear than they are. When one of you does see the big clue, like three things all flying round at once, it’s for sure a polty just like when you hear the banshee in parabolic. BUT that doesn’t happen in a hunt or as often as you’d think, like how the banshee scream isn’t going to happen every time there’s a banshee and it’s very seldom.
    Id say the polty exploding stuff around isn’t really rare, but it won’t happen every time there’s a polty, and it won’t happen in a hunt.
    The pile just helps to confirm it’s a polty if there’s enough items around in just the right way where it moves during the hunt, so you can see those quick throws that only polty’s can do.

    So basically, the pile isn’t as simple as you guys have started to use it, if the pile isn’t disturbed much in a hunt or it’s not a big BOOM like gone all at once, doesn’t mean it can’t be a poltergeist still.

    Y’all got me thinking about it during this stream, there’s a few tests you guys do every time as a tool to determine yes/no on a ghost, but it’s not as cut and dry every game. That’s my two cents! Sorry it was so wordy, I rambled a bit

  10. I feel bad for the viewer who got banned near the end, said something people didn’t agree with and got piled on and it riled up chatters so that person got kicked out to keep the peace 🙁 I try not to glance at the chat or talk about them negatively in comments, but it’s hard not to see them and it made me sad for them


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